I'm so excited to bring forth this post. There are lots in life that one could easily learn from. Before I proceed, I would like to expand on certain basic concepts. *What's micro learning?* During my secondary school days, some sets of teachers were posted to our school from the higher institution especially NCE. Their major task is to carry out the student's teaching practice programme for that particular time. They are expected to behave almost like the permanent teachers. They carry out all the functions of the school and what the management of the school saddles them with. I was told by one of the teachers that before they were qualified for student's teaching practice programme, they had to do what's called micro teaching. Micro teaching involves a short delivery of lesson or teaching within a short period of time. Looking at micro learning. Micro simply means small or short or what's not big. Micro learning is is a designed to enable the learner reduce the stress or fatigue if learning. Micro learning is the splitting of learning into smaller portions for easy comprehension. Micro learning involves highlighting major points within a short time frame for easy assimilation. In micro learning, there's a specific learning outcome that is expected at the end. Micro learning gives quick and precise information to learner instead of stretching long for a particular details. Micro learning focused on content that can easily be consumed in short -term or amount of time.

I would like to quickly share some of micro learning.

  • Time management. With micro learning, one doesn't need to spend much time studying or reading a particular content again. Within a short period of time, one would have gone through a content and draw conclusions.
  • Micro learning helps one to integrate easily. The contents are not time consuming and not too elaborate therefore it can be assimilated and integrated easily.
  • Micro learning can easily improve retention. Many that have challenges with retention of things and find it difficult to memorise with micro learning, one can easily pick the main point and digest.
  • Another benefit is that it's cost effective because is very small which can be affordable to be bought. Aside the cost effectiveness, it's accessible and can easily be applied.

Study techniques

Study techniques are skills employed or applied for effective learning. Study techniques are strategies or principles one uses to understand a thing. There are certain steps or things to do for effective learning. Some study techniques includes;

  • Rest. This is a study technique that I have used and still enshrined on my children once they returned from school. Rest helps one to be refreshed and revitalise for any new function.
  • Prepare your environment. Ensure that the serene is quite good and friendly for one to study.
  • Eat very well before you study. When one is hungry, it might be difficult to comprehend or read.
  • Try and avoid distraction of any kind so that you remained focus.

There are so many reading techniques propagated by different individuals. Some of these techniques are SQ3R which is an acronym that stands for Survey, Questions, Read, Recite and Review.


These are just stories that is interesting that could be used as introduction or prelude. It could be a real incidence that occurred.

This is my response to #aprilinleo day 28 engagement.

all pictures are mine and snapped with my phone.

Thanks so much for reading through.

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