Amongst the planet we have, the earth is the most special one. Today is a very remarkable day in the entire world because it's marked as the earth day. This is usually celebrated on 22nd April. However it all started in 1970. Even though I was born then, but I believe it worth it and should be encouraged across all board and of possible break can be initiated too especially for those of around Nigeria because of our high involvement in agricultural practices.

Earth day is a day that is carved out to celebrate and appreciate the beauty of nature. The earth constitutes of both living and non living things. All these are essential and is what creates a sustainable environment for the existence of an organism. There are certain vital activities done to commemorate the day. This day stands out to appreciate and advocate for the preservation or conservation of the earth.

There are certain things done to the earth if decrees and conservation policies are not enacted could result to great negative impact on the earth. Consequently a time would come where life could be unbearable. For instance, the deforestation activities that goes on today in most communities because of the rate of unemployment. People cut down trees without any adequate alternative plan of planting another. This exposes the land to all kinds of erosion and wind causes lots of hazards. Recently in my area, charcoal production is on the increase now and this causes a drop even in some of the economic trees we have going to extinction. If trees aren't conserved, the next generation will be in deep trouble.

Ecology conservation entails processes where the ecosystem is preserved. We have certain areas today in Nigeria called game reserve where no one is allowed to temper with animals, trees and any organisms within such terrain. This kind of action taken by the government goes a long way to help maintain the earth planet. When the environment where man lives is in shambles and unkept hmmm certainly it opens door for intruders like wild animals and others.


When the ecology is conserved, it could also in turn become a good source of income for individuals and even the government. It could be used as tourist centres like the water falls we have here. Therefore it should be conserved.

Another way to maintain the earth is through waste management. This is very important. I could remember vividly my state capital initially had no good policy on waste management hence people dumped refuse at water ways. No drainage and when it rains, the water creates another path and sometimes even pick human beings along side. When waste are not properly disposed, it could cause lots of erosion and negative effects to the earth. There are different kind of wastes. One must identify each wastes and proffer the necessary disposable pathways. When there's good waste control, I believe it would help to conserve the earth.

Remember, today is the world's earth day . Enjoy all the moments.

This is my response to the #aprilinleo day 22. Thanks.

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