Friend accompany to celebrate Party

Today was a wonderful day and the ideal day to celebrate the aforementioned party.This party we are going to celebrate is about my companion who got her scholarship this month.
She will benefit greatly from this scholarship because, for some reason, her family keeps their spending under control. That was great news for me as well, and as a friend, I'm glad for her as well. I'm so envious of her because I worked so hard to get a scholarship while I was still in school, but I never did. That's a sad part of me, but I'm so glad that one of my closest friends got the chance.

She said in a message to me this morning that we ought to celebrate the opportunity she just got. So, me?Oh, common, I ought to leave.,To be honest, andI'm very happy.
A message from another friend of mine suggested that we go there together. This friend is very close to me and is my treated sister, so the plan was already in place.

Have you guys ever taken a picture while traveling? As a result, as we travel to our friends' houses, we are compelled to take pictures as a means of preserving our memories and bringing them together. And as we carry out our respective tasks, we can't help but laugh at the outcomes. Here let me show you.


As you can see the photo is blurry but still we managed to capture it.

Many people have said that our faces are the same.We share many characteristics, including being short and tall.She also had long hair when I had long hair, and she also had short hair when I had short hair. Due to our resemblance in appearance, many people have commented on our pictures and asked if we are sisters. We laugh at each other and decided to call our each other Twinny.


We tried our hardest, but the results are still hazy.Anyway, that's fine; we could keep this picture as a reminder and one to look at in the future.
As a result, we just took a picture while we were traveling to pass the time while we were driving to our friends' house.

We changed into new clothes and put on some makeup as soon as we got to our friends' homes for the photographs. How priceless it is for us to commemorate this day.We did put in a lot of effort and time because we want people to remember this day.

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The final look is now this. The young lady in the center was the person who just got the grant. Everyone here looks great. We don't really have a reason to wear black, we just like it. In any case, we and her family are the only visitors to their home. Therefore, after the photo shoot, we ate and enjoyed the remainder of the party.


Can you really tell that we are nearly identical?Try to look at the final picture, heh. I thought this girl was much prettier than I was, so if we were similar, then am I also pretty? Kind of a joke.

Our day had meaning thanks to a small celebration. And it is very important to reward ourselves for our small successes because doing so motivates us to work harder and makes us eager to reward ourselves. Therefore, regardless of how small or large a success may be, it should always be celebrated.
We are very happy to see how excited our friend is with her new step and process of studying. I believe she can do all of her studies because I see this girl very hardworking student and smart.

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