Over the years, people attain greatness, wealth, influence, affluence, power etc through empowerment. Empowerment which means a support given to another to achieve something has been a key to the success of many successful individuals, corporations, businesses, companies we can think of today. This empowerment can be in the form of economic, political, social, family, societal supports which a person or persons need to achive success.

Over time, it has been seen of individuals trained and established in their chosen career/business/profession through support (empowerment) by family, friends, guardians, mentors etc. Many had their breakthrough businesses or became a reknowned entrepreneur through empowerment by connections, grants, soft loans, "partnership", enabling platforms etc. In addition, government of nations also do empower citizens through incenstives, tax relieves, grants, sponsorships, loans etc.

For me, one of my greatest empowerment is family, friends and acquaintances support and rewards for dilligence which has helped me so far. Their encouraging words, financial supports, counsels, priviledged enjoyed etc all helped me. In my chosen career, i have enjoyed referrals, recommendations, connections, links all which are empowerment to me. Timely counsels, guidiance from my mentor is also another huge source of empowerment for me.

From agelong, family business has been a remarkable way of wealth creation and perpetual success for many through the power of onesness/bond shared in a family. Infact, right from olden days, some families are known for some trades or occupation which has opened them to wealth and other good things. For example, in Nigeria, a major tribe has been known over the years for wealth creation through family business. It is called family business because it passes down the lineage and each generation makes it better in the light of technological advancement/innovation which makes it lasting.

Family bussiness is of advantage because:
• It serves as wealth creefforts
• It is sustainable and rarely die
• It is brings into prominence
• It brings out creativity right from young age
• It shows how productive we humans can be leveraging on combined efforts
• Highly
For example, i have seen several families who have successfully raised different generations of wealthy people either through trades, crafts, professional career etc.

In addition, even now in contemporary world, successful incorporations, businesses, professionals, entrepreneurs now go family line by nurturing and grooming their children for a possible take over. I have seen families of lawyers having a chamber, also i have seen families of investors, families of artisans/traders etc. Some of the major reasons why family business thrives as compared to other business forms includes; the bond, the oneness, loyalty/trust, combined efforts/ideas, inclusion, creativity, early nurturing/grooming, futuristic view etc.

I so much believe and appreciate family business as it's one of the major financial breakthrough a family can have and maximize. Family business is a good, recommendable and widely acceptable business model through different countries, continents and world at large with mine is view. Thank you for reading and happy new week.

This is my participation post in #Aprilinleo monthly prompt for day 7 by the #inleo. Check out this announcement post to get involved.

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