One of the beauty of life and nature is diversity. Diversity makes life interesting and dynamic which brings out in we humans ability to explore and to give expression to things. Diversity comes in many ways such as in language, ethnicity, culture, race, religion, endeavors etc. Diversity is a blessing to humanity and not a burden, the more we appreciate it, the better we enjoy and make most of life. In order to maximize our diversity, there is need for tolerance i.e. recognising and accepting the diversity of humanity for the sake of love and in mutual understanding, honour and respect.

True diversity means having varying view, perspective or approach to life or things but however, maintaining peaceful coexistence and mutuality amidst these differences. True diversity doesn't mean seperation, pride or dishonour as some erroneously believed. Infact, we tend to see diversity play out on a daily basis at place of work with different people, different personalities but still working together for a common good. Even in a family, diversity can play out in choices and preferences, but tolerance helps alot in this.


Personally, i grow up to experience diversity on different shades. For example, i was raised with a Christian background but have neighbors, some family members, childhood friends, classmates of different religious inclinations. In addition, my country of origin (Nigeria) is multicultural, multitribal with each tribe well represented in the nooks and crannies of the nation. However, the valuable lesson of human dignity, tolerance and peaceful coexistence displayed by my parents and taught we children helped us alot.

As a grown up, i have the privilege to travel to the northern part of my country for the first time (even though i'm from the west) and i lived there for a year when i observed my one year mandatory national service some years ago as a University graduate. I related healthily with the northerners despite the differences and through this i appreciate the diversities of mankind and i saw that these diversities is to our benefit if we maximized. Therefore, I believe that the greatest enemy to diversity and hence, peaceful coexistence is wrong believe. The right believe i was taught by my parents and in school during my early childhood in subjects like social studies, civics, religious studies and all played a huge impact.

Therefore, i encourage that diversity and tolerance should first be taught in each family by the parents instilling this precious culture in their children. Also, in the formal learning environment like schools especially early childhood, subjects that teaches and encourages tolerance amidst diversity should be taught. In addition, each nation through its national orientation programs should teach and preach tolerance amidst diversities as this will help in peaceful coexistence among the citizens.

Diversity and tolerance are inseparable. Diversity as good as it is without tolerance can lead to chaos and strive which is not good for peaceful coexistence. I believe no matter the differences, the dignity of humanity should be upheld. Mutual honour and respect should be maintained and tolerance should be a guiding principle because diversity is the order of the day now. Thanks for reading even as comments, contributions and suggestions are highly welcomed.

This is my participation post in #Julyinleo monthly prompt for day 03 by the #inleo. Check out this: @leogrowth/re-leothreads-2nfyqzfg5 to get involved. @mamab, @wallay, you are invited to join this initiative THUMBNAIL DESIGNED USING CANVA

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