One of the most beautiful part of nature and of life is diversity. Diversity in many ways including languages brings out our uniqueness and heritage which imparts on our culture i.e. our way of life. Communication involves sending of messages/information between a sender and a receiver which can be in different forms either verbal or non-verbal. Verbal communication deals with words via languages while informal communication has to do with signs, gestures, displays, body languages and so on.
Communication especially the verbal ones which involved languages are useful for passing/receiving informations, in identification, in expression etc. Despite the differences/diversity in languages, the point is that we are all humans and non must be segregated or left unable to communicate. I can relate to this because it has happened to me in the last two years while i was in a place i have never been to which of different ethnicity and language, i had to learn the language to some extent with alot of gesticulations to be able to communicate effectively there. In such situations of language barrier in which communication can be affected, the use of alternative communication is of utmost importance.
Alternative communication can be in form of writing, gesticulations, body signs, visual displays etc can come in and help out in such situations. Also, for people with special needs e.g. those with speech or hearing impediments, alternative communication can be strategy can be adopted for them. Diversity of languages/speech is a blessing and the goal should be inclusiveness nomatter the race, speech, language, gender or whatsoever. Thank you for reading.
This is my participation in #Aprilinleo monthly prompt for day 4 by the #inleo community. Check out this announcement post to get involved.

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