Afternoon at the Museum (Part II) [EN/ES] Tarde en el Museo (Parte II)

Yesterday I showed you something from the exhibition where we were at the museum of modern art over the weekend with the kids. Today I want to continue showing you the exhibition that had 3 very large rooms where we could see works by different artists. One of them was by a single artist Eduardo Basualdo. Who dazzled us with his series.

We went to the third floor of the museum and on that last floor there was all his work and only his work. I clarify this because on other floors they were shared spaces where several artists shared a theme or a series, but in this case this subject presented a story that he wanted to tell us with a wide series of drawings made in a kind of charcoal, I'm not sure From the material with which it was made, that was what it looked like. The series was made on a series of walls that were inclined in different positions as if it were a deck of cards trying to assemble houses, and on them was the series telling us a story which they tried to summarize with some of the photos from the series so as not to be bored.

With the boys we went to see it twice. The first one we went alone and we walked through it, we had our own experience and our own ideas about the work. And we were lucky enough to make a second visit with a girl from the museum who gave a guided exhibition of the artist's work, presenting the children with an activity where they interact with the work by drawing in different parts of the exhibition while she told us about it. what the work was about, where the artist wanted to take us to travel and think and at the same time he wanted to make them think and see what they came up with.

Of going through the story entering corridors formed by walls that fell on top of each other and formed small dark alleys that took you to another space with more parts of this story. There came a time when we crossed a wall and found an immense space where there was a kind of black sea, and at the bottom of that sea, like a kind of stone, or living soul that was upright looking at you in front of you. .

The girl who was telling us a little about the artist and the story when we got there, started to tell us about this work. And it turns out that it was created in situ in that same space with metallic paper like the one we usually use for cooking, but matte black, and with which it gave shape to the creation of what we are seeing in the photos. As you can see, there are people that the artist shaped using real bodies that posed on the floor so that he could give them a slight shape of the figure that he wanted and then very carefully get out and finish shaping it and mark the details that he wanted. highlight.

This is how he built the entire work to give life to that series of drawings that talk about many things and only one at a time. and which, once this exhibition is finished, will not see the light of day anywhere else since it will be destroyed, basically because it is paper.

So the boys and I had the privilege of seeing a unique work that will no longer exist when they take out its sample and take it to another place.

I hope you liked the series by this Argentine artist, fortunately, very young to be able to continue delighting us with his art.

Ayer les mostre algo de la muestra en donde estuvimos el fin de semana con los chicos en el museo de arte moderno. Hoy les quiero seguir mostrando la muestra que tenia 3 salones muy grandes en donde podiamos ver obras de deferentes artistas. Una de ellas era de un solo artista Eduardo Basualo. Quien nos deslumbro con su serie.

Fuimos al tercer piso del museo y en ese ultimo estab toda su obra y solo su obra. Acalro esto porque en otros pisos eran espacios compartidos en donde varios artistas compartian una tematica o una serie, pero en este caso este sujeto presentaba una historia que nos queria contar con una seria amplia de dibujos hechos como en una especie de carbonilla, no estoy seguro de el material con el que fue hecho, eso se parecia. La seria estaba hecha sobre una serie de paredes que estaban inclinadas en diferentes posiciones comosi fuera un maso de naipes intentando armar casitas, y sobre ellas estaba la serie contandonos una historia la cual intenten resumir con algunass de lass fotos de la serie para no ser aburrido.

Con los chicos fuimos dos veces a verla. La primera de ellas fuimos solos y la recorrimos, tuvimos nuestra propia experiencia y nuestras propias ideas sobre la obra. Y tuvimos la suerte de hacer una segunda visita con una chica del museo que hacia una muestra gguiada de la obra del artist, presentandoles a los chicos una actividad en donde interactuaban con la obra dibujando en diferentes partes de la muestra mientras ella nos iba contando de que se trataba la obra, para donde el artista queria llevarnos a viajar y a pensar y al mismo tiempo los queria hacer pensar a ellos y ver que se les ocurria.

De ir llendo atravez de la historia entrando por pasillos fformados por paredes que se caian unas encima de otras y formaban pequeños callejores oscuros que te llevaban a otro espacio con mass partes de este cuento. Llego un momento en que atravezamos una pared y nos encontramos con un espacio inmenso en donde alli se encontraba una especie de mar negro, y en el fondo de ese mar, como una especie de pieda, o alma con vida que estaba erguida mirandote de frente.

La chica que nos fue contando un poco sobre el artista y la historia cuando llegmos alli, nos empezo a contar sobre esta obra. Y resulta que fue creada insitu en ese mismo espacio con papel metalizado como el que usualmente nosotros usamos para cocinar, pero de color negro mate, y con el cual fue dandole forma a la creacion de lo que estamos viendo en las fotos. Como se puede ver hay personas que el artista dio forma utilizando cuerpos reales que posaron en el piso para que el les de una leve forma de la ffigura que el queria para luego con mucho cuidado salirse y terminar de darle forma y marcar los detalles que queria resaltar.

Asi construyo toda la obra para darle vida a esa serie de dibujos que hablan de muchass cosas y una sola a la vez. y la cual, una vez finaliazada esta muestra no va a ver la luz de ningun otro lugar ya que va a ser destruida, basicamente porque es papel.

Asique con los chicos tuvimos el privilegio de ver una obra unica que no va a exsitir mas cuando saquen su muestra y se la lleven a otro lguar.

Espero que les haya gustado la serie de este artista Argentino afortunadamente, muy joven para poder seguir deleitandonos con su arte.

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