The Benefits of Being Consistent

In the wake of the recent run-up in the HIVE price, there seems to be an almost palpable sense of "crypto hangover" floating throughout the ether. Blockchain buddies woozy from the effects of that most natural high, have now come down to Earth with (hopefully) a renewed sense of purpose regarding the platform. If you weren't a true believer before, you should be now. As a result, my belief in the bright future of Hive has never been stronger.

Today, I wanted to touch on something that eluded me when I was new to the blockchain, but learned and see it in play right now. That is the benefits of being consistent on Hive. Part of my issue at the beginning, was simply a lack of time. Between work and school, that left me precious few moments to sit down and write. Usually during a good week, I'd be able to produce 2, or maybe even 3 posts if all of the planets aligned. However, weeks like those were few and far between.

At certain times of the year, I'd enjoy a pause with less demands on my time, and it looks like we're entering one now. I've had more opportunities to blog and engage on LeoFinance, and have noticed an uptick in response to that. I wanted to share this with those new people who may be in the doldrums wondering where in the hell did everyone go? There's an answer to that in the form of showing up as often as you can as a way of sparking engagement.

Sometimes people think that once they hit the 'submit' button, they can sit back and wait for the hordes to roll on in. Nothing could be further from the truth, even for some of the more well-established Hivers here. If you've created some brand-new content, you still need to support it much like a band going out on tour to back a new record they've just dropped.

If you have a Twitter account, use the beast of legacy social media and share your piece to your audience. Don't forget to highlight the work of other Hive bloggers as well. It's good to give back. One of the things I've noticed, is the more consistently that I blog, the more activity I'm seeing on my content in general. From comments, followers, and reblogs allowing even more people to be exposed to what I'm creating. It's good to share.

Like a fine wine...

If you don't see an immediate response, don't fret, Rome wasn't built in a day. However, over time you will see either a gradual rise in activity, or a sudden increase if the right person saw and shared your blog post. I.'ll never forget when it happened to me with a response to a comment I left. It was a pleasant surprise on a beautiful day, and whenever I need a jolt to keep me going, I think of that special moment. So to whomever the whale in Australia was that gave me that support back in 2017, I thank you.

And if it hasn't hit you yet, it wasn't a blog post that opened the floodgates, it was a comment. Leaving measured, thoughtful comments can help you connect on the blockchain. I'm not talking about the junk "good job" turd drops, I don't even respond to them. But ones that add to the discussion and show that you actually took the time to read the post. Trust me, it shows...

You'll also want to respond and support those that left those thoughtful comments on your blog. I give an upvote to the first one that they left, and respond to each and every person that I can. After the first day a post is up, I usually move on unless a late mention catches my eye. It's one of the reasons I use Hiveblocks to stay on top of what's happening with my account. I relate it to watching the code drip down the screens in The Matrix movies. Often, I'll keep a tab open in the background, so I can respond accordingly.

Being consistent also helps you to grow as a writer. The best way to improve your blogging is to write on a regular basis. Commit to creating something every single day. Even if it's text you never intend to publish, that practice will make perfect over time, and you'll find writing not only easier, but more enjoyable as well. Make the commitment today, and as you improve your writing, and become a better blogger, your self-confidence will soar.

Your reputation isn't just the number next to your name, it's what you build over time on Hive. Next year I'll celebrate 5 years here on what has now become Hive, and I know I've grown both as a writer, a person, and hopefully as a valued member of the community. Each post is a signal about who you are and the value you bring to the platform.

While some tend to cut and run when the token price drops, only to make a dramatic return when it moons, I've been stalwart during good times and bad, in remaining and helping to build this place. If that sounds like you, welcome aboard! We need many more people like that willing to pitch in when the going gets tough. The success you find here along the way will be well-deserved.

Lately, I've even seen visitors to my blog engaging with multiple posts per visit. There's a wonderful feeling that comes when someone's found value in your work, and you were able to help lighten their load. If you share often with your readers, you'll keep them coming back for more. The blockchain offers us an amazing opportunity to touch the lives of others in a way we never could before, and Hive is at the center of it all.

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