Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 209

Come and participate by creating invented worlds through a collage in Let's Make a Collage.


Ven y participa creando mundos inventados a través de un collage en la propuesta de Let's Make a Collage

Upside down skies, snowy mountains, a goddess emerging from an invented world from this week's Let's Make a Collage image. I wanted to experiment this time overlaying layers with different color pop filters that oppose the naturalness I always try to create.
To achieve these effects I worked with PhotoScapeX and Canva, using the images from LIL that I quote below.


Cielos al revés, montes nevados, una diosa que surge de un mundo inventado a partir de la imagen que nos ofrece esta semana Let's Make a Collage. Quise experimentar esta vez superponiendo capas con diferentes filtros de colores pop que se oponen a la naturalidad que siempre intento crear.
Para lograr estos efectos trabajé con PhotoScapeX y Canva, utilizando las imágenes de LIL que cito a continuación.

Image by @shaka

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @alex2alex.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @edgarafernandezp.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @japhofin8or.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @bella76.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @justclickindiva.


Traducción por DeepL

Translation by DeepL


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