As a child, I was so inquisitive that I wanted to know everything, I loved to stay with my mother in the kitchen to see how she performs her magic to make those delicious meals, and I developed the habit of helping and learning how to cook.

One of the things I learned while growing up was how to stay in the kitchen, my mother was a caterer and she always get contracts to cook for people either for occasions or for other reasons, I love to stay with her anytime she is doing this in other to help her do some washing even when I wasn't in the right position to do that.


My siblings would always run from helping her and some of them would give excuses to leave the house at that time just to avoid her sending them errands, my mother would smile and said I know you will always stay to help me in the kitchen every time.

I love helping my mother in the kitchen and I started learning from her how to cook, quantity of salt and seasoning to add to meals, she also taught me measurements, helping my mother and asking questions helped me know more about cooking which I have passion for now.

As a child then, my father always warned me not to go near the stove, he was so cautious of my well-being because I was around seven years of age, I loved to wash the dishes and sweep the kitchen when my mother is done with cooking without leaving any traces of dirt in the kitchen.

This habit is now useful for me as an adult because I love to cook very well and I cooked whenever any of my friends is having their birthday when I was still in the university, I used this skill to make money for myself during my university days, I also cooked for my boss when she was celebrating her birthday as well.

Cooking is now what I do joyfully and cleaning my kitchen when cooking is my priority, I have never left my kitchen unkept, I always wash the dishes whenever I am done cooking, sweep the kitchen, and arrange my ingredients back to their respective position.


Whenever I am at home for holiday my mother is always happy because she is getting old now and she can never cook like the way she used to do, my siblings are always happy too they know that the chef of the house is around and I can never feel lazy to cook at all even when they are not ready to help, they always feel happy whenever I'm around.

This habit I learned is now helping me a lot as an adult, I prefer to cook than go out to eat not that I don't eat out but it's occasionally when the condition warrants it but anything other than that I do not eat out, I prefer my meal because I am the only one that can satisfy myself.

This is my entry for today's topic of #inleo community prompt, if you want to know about this #Aprilinleo daily prompt check this Link


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