Capturing Moments: The Beauty of Photography

When it comes to taking pictures then count me in, I love to take pictures, I love nature and take a shot of everything around me, pictures serve as a memory that can refresh your brain for years to come.

I think I am addicted to pictures, not only for myself but for others as well, I love to create long-lasting relationships through pictures, and I cherish pictures so well because they always create some kind of bond between me and anything I snap.


This picture reminds me of what happened to me the day I took this picture, it was a sunny afternoon after I argued with one of my clients, I do not like the say that customers are always right, this particular customer was frustrated my life to the point that I had to excused myself from the studio and sat outside to see how beautiful the sky looks.

It was so bright and I gave myself hope that I would never give up on myself, I was frustrated to the point that I nearly quit that day but my hope rose my I took this lovely picture.


If you wish to see the beauty of any country check at night, I took this lovely picture at night and I took another one during the day, the dark view is so admirable with a beam of light, it is a work arena so the light is always off at night but the streetlights capture my heart which made me fell in love with the view.


This is part of the secretariat in Abuja, which is one of the biggest areas that comprises different companies in the city of Abuja, what I love most about this area is that each state has its own company, they have different companies in this area and it belongs to different state, if you have any issue or you are living in Abuja and need your state of origin certificate there is no need to go to your state, all you have to do is come to this area and you will get it done.





Can you spot the sunset, this looks so amazing and reminds of how powerful our God is, he opens the earth and closes it at will, no one can question how magnificent is he.



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