How to find out if you're manipulated?

We are living in the world where we are getting manipulated every day. And be it from the family or the people outside we tend to make wrong choices and that means we end up making the wrong choices and our life is ruined along the way. Which happens with most of the modern families.

So in this post I wish to discuss some of the patterns through which peopleare mostly manipulated. And be it at home or the office or even at the school or college. This sort of patterns happen with the people if they are left unchecked as well.


I remember I experienced this during the school times. Where people used to isolate me and then randomly throw in something to connect the dots. Alot of manipulation happens when you are isolated from the society. And this also means that isolation can be bad for the health and the physical presence too.

Flattery and Sweet Talk

I know many instances where women use this on men. They kind of show the good things and also make them belive in the fake stuff. And that sweet talk ends up making them do the wrong choices. Which is why the flattery and the sweet talk is not a good thing as well.


This is kind of common in many families. Where the elders tend to do this and they are making the kids and the new generation prisoner of their mind. And tend to make the environment at home kind of difficult to live. So it's reasonable to say that this is one method that many of those people do and it only makes life of the target difficult.

Some of the time guilt works. Like all the blame is put on you. And that blame is passed on the target, mothers, elders and the women are known to do this to the people. Also there are some of the people who do this at the office and the workplace often with the seniors doing this tot the target users.


Some of the emotions do matter. But they are often the way they are kind of exploited and made fun of. Some ways those things kind of hurt people and the emotions kind of log them to the wrong end of the issues of the life. So in that sense emotions do have the impact. So one has to understand if you are not being blackmailed with emotions.

There are many ways, places and relations in which men and women are manipulated and they take a lot of effort and time to understand they are manipulated. Find out if you are manipulated and then work on resolving it.

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