How Social Network Build Cultures

Social networks have a mental effect on the people who participate on it. Especially those who are introvert and the people who spend large amount of time on it. And the people who are extrovert and live the life outside tend to have different culture that they pass into the social network.

So how does social network builds culture? How it creates cults and the small family like communities?

Let's discuss how that works with the community, connection, friendship and the culture that collectively forms it.

Social network gets built through variety of the steps like with the people, place, topics, value and others. This may not always works out for a website or protocol or the blockchain but eventually everything adds up.


Every community and the culture needs the people. People build the culture and the community. Each person in your life kind of builds you. And that process is going to make your life much more complete. Some of the good experience of the life happens because of the people. So when we are on the social network we have to think of the people. Making difference in their life is how the cultures are built. So the people value.

Place and Process

Social network brings people together to share and do things. For example take a look at the homestead community that we have seen and being developed over the years. People share the information and also the content shared and exchanged builds the process around that content. Plans and process happens when the community interacts and that data eventually pays off people.

Images and Video

Most of the communities learn from each others past. And that build up of the images and the video repository also builds up a process. Which kind of tells you how the content is being consumed. And as people like the content they tend to form a community of people who like that content and it eventually builds up too. So the images and the video have a direction and also it would make you a good people coming to a place.

Culture around Hive

Look around how the hive is being built. You have splinterlands and the community of people who play it. Leo has a community. And so does many other apps. Each apps have their own preachers and friends. And that kind of forms a culture aorund those places.

Engagement and being human builds up a culture. Every time you engage with a person on the social network that kind of builds cultures.

Cultures are built when you interact and the value is passed over a period of time. At the end this forms a good experiences!

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