Rescuing photos

Hello to all lovers of photo editing in our home HIVE Blockchain!
This time I would like to talk about those photographs that we once took and never developed, either because we didn't consider them spacey enough or because they are simply part of a similar catalog that did see the light of day. But, after taking a look through my "gallery of oblivion" I realize that with some new and improved editing software options you can do some "little things" to rescue these snapshots.
After reviewing and getting down to work or (clicks on Photoshop) as you prefer to call it haha. The truth is that by giving them a second chance, I realize the potential they had, it is true that some of these photos, although similar to others that I published, have their own charm. It's like rediscovering my own perspective in each image.

¡Hola a todos los amantes de la edición fotográfica en esta nuestra casa HIVE Blockchain!
En esta ocasión me gustaría hablar sobre esas fotografías que en su momento realizamos y nunca revelamos ya sea por no considerarlas lo suficientemente espaciales o porque simplemente forman parte de una catalogo similar que si vio la luz. Pero, después de echar una ojeada por mi “galería del olvido” me doy cuenta de que con algunas opciones nuevas y mejoradas de los softwares de edición se pueden hacer algunas “cositas” para rescatar estas instantáneas.
Después de revisar y ponerme manos a la obra o (clics sobre Photoshop) como prefieran llamarlo jaja. Lo cierto es que al darles una segunda oportunidad, me doy cuenta del potencial que tenían, cierto es que algunas de estas fotos, aunque similares a otras que publiqué, tienen su propio encanto. Es como redescubrir mi propia perspectiva en cada imagen.

Photo edited in Photoshop ( Model: Jade )

Original photograph, taken with aNikon D70
| ISO 400 | 34mm | f9.0 | 1/15s |
Photo edited in Photoshop ( Model: Jade )

Original photograph, taken with a Nikon D70
| ISO 400 | 52mm | f8.0 | 1/25s |

Photo edited in Photoshop ( Model: Jade )

Original photograph, taken with a Nikon D70
| ISO 400 | 27mm | f9.0 | 1/10s |

Photo edited in Photoshop ( Model: Jade )

Original photograph, taken with a Nikon D70
| ISO 500 | 42mm | f10.0 | 1/10s |
Photo edited in Photoshop

Original photograph, taken with a Nikon D70
| ISO 500 | 82mm | f9.0 | 1/50s |

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All photos are my property, I hope you enjoyed the post

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