Self Denial, A Major Price For Success

Self Denial, A Major Price For Success

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Self denial is part of life, no one gets to the top without mastering the habit of letting some things go in order to achieve the best. Of a truth the desires of man can never be satisfied, the more we get, they more we want. One who has not mastered self denial can go on chasing those things until he/she goes bankrupt.

I have seen few individuals who love mundane things so much that they follow every trend, dancing to every new tune in town, there are no latest things that they don't have, but today some of them barely eat twice a day.

They are broke now and they haven't finished getting all the latest things in town, in fact the ones available now are far better than the ones they were busy chasing before. What am I saying? we need to apply wisdom to spending, it's not everything that we must posses. If they are truly important, a time will come, when we will have need for them, but until then, let first things be first.

Self denial is a special pill for survival, there is no man that has ever succeeded in life without sacrificing something, something must definitely be shuned for others to thrive. I see self denial as a weeding process in the life of men, those things that are not important are the weeds, saying No to them is taking them off. For those of us who are farmers, we know that as soon as we weed, our crops grow well.

In life it's not everything that we crave for that we must have, somethings can be lived without, a successful life is a life full of sacrifices. Once the habit of sacrificing is gone, start expecting failure.

My Experience

Few months back, I realized that Facebook has taken over my life, I can't just concentrate for once and do something good with my time. I spend more time chatting than I spend hustling and building myself.

I won't lie to you sometimes, I sleep around 12 A. M , 2 A. M and it's not as if I was busy looking for money or making research but just chatting. It became a very serious matter and my life is already at stake with this kind of lifestyle.

So I decided to cut away from Facebook, I know was going to be deprived of having fun and gisting with friends but which is better, building myself to be a better person and be financially stable or keep having fun with friends online while I go broke and have my head grow weak and empty?

Facebook is good, social networks are not bad, infact we need them to while away time but you see it is something I can do without. The time I spend chatting, are mostly the times I am supposed to use to develop my self through studies, meditation and so on, it has been my lifestyle before I got addicted to facebooking.

It was a hard thing for me because, I use to be bored but I just have to let go. The first one week was a war but I pressed further and deleted the Application from my phone, after sometime I got used to staying without chatting and I had a lot of time to do whatever I want to do.

Seriously Facebook has injured me a lot, I know how many times I got into trouble because of it, for boys we know how easy it is to ask ladies out online. Sometimes you may not even want to do it but you just see yourself doing it. You just loose discipline and a lot more.

I am not saying chatting is bad but we need to reduce the way we use it and also we need to have discipline while chatting, I am sure you know what I am talking about hehe.. if you can't discipline yourself around it, then it's better you join me and stay away for a while to get your sanity back. Even the bible says if your hands will lead you to hell cut it off.

Lastly, I won't live you in the dark, after I have achieved my goals, I got back the Application , set boundaries and engage on it only when I have spare time, I also have time limits for my stay on the Application.

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