Becoming A Better Partner

Becoming A Better Partner

Designed On Canva

All my life I have always wanted to be someone anybody who comes across would wish to always have me around, as such, I started doing my best towards achieving that, I had to let certain attributes go and imbibe many others that I believe are relevant to keep me running on that track yet, my imperfection as human still comes up once in a while.

Sometimes I ask myself questions like, what is the definition of perfection? Of a truth, no human can give you that definition, it's something that even amongst spirits, not all can attain. Becoming the best is an endless journey, it is something we work on daily as we live till we breathe our last.

Today I was scrolling through my phone and I stumbled upon one of my long-time crush's phone numbers, I was like wow! What happened? This was someone I used to like so much that I barely went a day without talking to some time ago but within a twinkle of an eye, everything vanished.

Love is something that demands a lot of sacrifice from both sides, when the load goes one-sided, it won't take long to crash and when I say a lot, I mean a kind of sacrifice that includes everything.

Becoming a better partner either in relationships or marriage is not a one-person something, if you concentrate only on building yourself to become the best and you neglect your partner, you will never achieve it because you might be working tirelessly, giving out your best but your partner might be doing contrary. And as long as you both are not on the same page, things won't just work out well.

So, if you want to become a good partner, you need to work on both yourself and your partner. The truth is all of us already know what to do to make our relationships work, to make it enjoyable for our partner but doing it is where the problem always lies because it will cost us so much. Nevertheless, to make yourself a better partner for your partner, you need to;

1 . Have a large heart: in relationships whether you like it or not, your partner will be crazy at times, I mean people are going through so much, he or she might just wake up overnight and start acting strange hehhe. You just have to develop a system to accommodate them. They won't be crazy forever. I know how many times, I told my ex let's break up and then later I came back and said sorry.

We are humans, sometimes we act irrationally, so you have to build your heart, and make it large to take some things like these, he or she might just wake up and start doing what he/she knows you don't like just to piss you off. Every human loves keeping an understanding partner, it makes the journey easy and fun. If you want to be a better partner, you must be someone with understanding. You must know how to see some funny things and overlook them, though not all, there are some that you should address so that it doesn't repeat itself.

2 . Be forgiving: this point is almost like the first one, your partner will definitely offend you, we are all humans, and we all get angry but be easy to entreat, don't be difficult to appease. I personally detest it when I do something wrong and I apologize and the lady is forming Boss. Come on, we are already into this thing, let the past go, we don't have to dwell in one place.

If you're hard to appease your partner might be tired of you honestly. Not everyone has the energy to be begging over one thing for long. If he or she says sorry, unleash your anger if you want to so that they will know they were wrong, then forgive and move on.

3 . Learn to apologize: my last relationship crashed because she couldn't say sorry, she was feeling fine girl, and I can't take someone who can't say sorry home. It's very dangerous to walk with people who don't admit that they can err. If you know you are at fault, don't hesitate to apologize, there are people who no matter how angry they are, once you say "sorry" that is it, settled.

If you want to be a good partner you must learn to drop your pride aside. I know you are very handsome, I know you're very pretty, but you must drop that aside if not things won't work out. Some people will even tell you " I am proud" Wow! And you need your relationship to work out? It doesn't happen that way.

4 . Be ready to displease yourself to satisfy your partner: it sounds unfair, right? But if you want things to work out for both of you, there are days you will have to break some of the principles and rules you place around your life to please your partner. This is a bitter truth, a lot will not accept this but that is love for you, this is why they say love knows no bounds. It's another aspect of love that I am scared of. But to be a better partner, you must do it.

My pastor said something in church, one Sunday, "Young people, don't go into any relationship until you want to marry". At first, I didn't understand what he meant but when he started explaining, I understood. Love is something deep, if it can make God sacrifice his only son to redeem mankind, then what can't it do?

If you are not ready to make sacrifices don't go into any relationship because you will just end up hurting yourself in the end. Ask yourself questions, how much are you willing to risk? Can you be committed? keep the issue of how you feel for the person aside, are you really ready for what you want to embark on? Enough of hurting people here and there, love is not something casual as most of us take it.

You can't be a better partner if you are not ready to make sacrifices. But let me create a balance, some sacrifices are not worth it. For example, someone asking to sleep with you to prove love, hehhe, that's from the pit of hell, another one is someone asking you to empty your account or borrow to help them satisfy some unreasonable ambitions. Please be smart, love involves sacrifice but not any kind of sacrifice, it should be reasonable and productive sacrifice.

Shout out to @kenechukwu97 for this amazing prompt, sorry I am making my entry late.

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