Sleeping It All Away. LOH Contest #201

You don't know how much you've been working hard until you start feeling overwhelmed with stress. Everyday of our lives, we are faced with anxieties and responsibilities that we cannot run away from. We have things to take care of, from our different families to work work to our personal lives. All of that runs down to one thing, stress. We can't avoid it but we only have to manage it.

Personally, one thing I do to manage my stress is sleep. Honestly, I think sleep is underrated for real. It should get more recognition than it already getting. After a long day, with my eyes strained, my head aching and my muscles all tense, I run myself a warm bath. That's the first step in getting the most comfy sleep. The bath helps me relax to a considerable extent and it gives off this soothing effect the moment I get to it.

After the bath, now I'm ready to dive into the clean sheets. Nothing can be compared to a good night's sleep. It's something I realized over time. After working so hard and I go to bed and sleep for so long, I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, brand new even. I always feel like I resurrected a new version of myself after I sleep so well, like I just hit a reset button in my body and everything is working like a machine in fact.

I don't know why it took me so long to realize that sleep is just the greatest therapy to stress. I think it's probably because I'm a night owl. I naturally tend to feel more awake and alert at night so I have difficulty going to bed early. Even if I've had the most stressful day and I really need some rest, I still get caught up in the late night rhythm. But each time I don't get enough sleep and I wake up the next morning, it's very hard to me to start my daily activities, I feel so weighed down, even the smallest of tasks like washing dishes feels like the biggest of things. Everything becomes a struggle.

However, to help with that, I decided to keep my devices away from me when it's time to sleep, especially my phone. Since I stay up late, I've very prone to start watching TikToks and getting into late night texting. In the end it takes half the hours I'm supposed to have a good sleep and I end up feeling exhausted in the morning when I haven't even done a single thing. That is why, I've made it a goal to always keep my devices off during the night. That way, I know I have no excuse whatsoever to not get a good sleep and be energetic on the morning.

These are the little but no so little ways I manage my stress to help me carry with life's anxieties. I'm pretty much sure it works for a whole lot of other. Just have a good sleep and you'll be just fine

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