All about Trust


There are tons of people opting for single parenting these days. Not just Women now but I've observed even men are jumping on this trend. Perhaps every case is unique and should be judged differently, but the numbers are staggering. It suggests to me that single parent households have become the norm and is rather viewed as a symbol of strength. Like I said every case is different, but the data is overwhelmingly in support of having two parents dedicated to raising their child and building the family.

This writeup isn't even about single parent households. I use such a sensitive example to shed more light on a more widespread problem which is the temptation to take decisions based on what is best for us even when we are grouped collectively. I understand that there's a bit of selfishness required in each of us to optimize the quality of our lives, but we have to admit sometimes that certain things are beyond us. There is a time to think from an individual perspective and a time to think as a collective I believe.

One reason highlighted for why third World countries actively fail to develop themselves over time is because of weak institutions that encourage individual success rather than the collective. Developed countries took a different path, but you get the feeling that everyone has slowly backpedaled into the 'me first' culture. There isn't much to be said about the consequences as they're quite obvious for all of us to see. Imagine if everyone only cared about what they could get out of the Hive platform for instance. Trust takes a big hit when we all decide to play the selfish gene.

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