Good evening brethrens, may the peace of the Lord be with us all Amen. Glory be to God almighty for a wonderful Glorious thanksgiving with Brother Daniel.


I will be shearing with us what I learned from the teachings today.
I learned that we have to be patience as we serve God so that the promise of God will be ours and the crown of Life. In James 1:12 it says Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he’s tried he shall receive the crown of life which the Lord had promised to them that love him. Temptations will come so it's left for us to overcome it and endure the temptations, by overcoming temptations we have to obey the doctrines of Christ. So we can receive the blessings of God.

I learnt In John 15:3 it's say's Now ye are clean through the word with is have spoken unto you. This why is good we receive the word of God always, so it will cleanse us from iniquities. So let's hear the word of God and keep it in our hearts, and also do it to show others, so that we will bring forth good fruits. Because it's only the word of God that will direct our part to keep us safe.

I also learnt in Matthew 7:12 therefore all things whatsoever ye would men should do to you, do ye even so you them: for this is the law and prophets. Here is just telling us to do good to others, if we want to receive good things. For what ever you do to ur brethren u will receive back. Love others so you can be loved back. Give peace to others so you can receive peace.

In John 14:21 Brother Daniel said here, He that had my commandments and keep them, he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and I will live him and will manifest myself in him. The only thing that will prove we love God is by keeping his commandments/doctrines in our hearts and also do it by following Christ steps. Once we do this by letting our light shine for others to see, God will then fulfill his promises to us.

Brother Daniel also said something in Proverbs 15:1 that A soft answer turneth away wrath but grievous words stir up anger, very clear, we should learn to approach people with manners. We should see everyone as brother and sister, especially when we meet them the first time, we should not be harsh on people. In James 1:2 I my brethren count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. Because we should show him we are of God. With that he will never come to us again.

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