Anger and Sad are triggered by the things we hate


Be a good person

Being a good person is very easy, but it becomes worse if you continue to be good people. Good people have characteristics with much worship to God the creator of the universe. By worshiping someone becomes remembered and grateful because it has been chosen from the millions of other sperm to live in this world. And those who believe in God will give light in him so that all the rules that God has revealed through the Prophet will be applied in his life and family life, neighboring, and state. If we think it is easy and simple in understanding and deeds.

Bees are good animals

Bees always give the honey it produces painstakingly and sacrifices a lot of honeybee power. But honeybees become good animals, not angry with humans, but there are some people who scare and threaten honey bees, then humans must feel anger and demonstrations from honey bees. Then all must be according to the rules that God has applied to the universe



Be kind and generous two things that must be done simultaneously and will produce a better attitude. People who are not nice to others are considered bad people and continue to produce impertinence and become more lonely with what is.

A generous person is willing to act when asked for help by someone else. Then the person becomes more open to other people and gets new friends every day, so his life is colored by certain joy and inner satisfaction. So people who have a closed attitude that is a person who is alone and not much happiness that is generated every day.


Angry and sad attitude

Anger and sad are two things in common, that is to say, Anger happens because of something we hate befall us, and so is sad because there is something we hate befall us. Angry that is to bring out feelings from within us to go out. On the contrary sad, we keep feelings for within us. The trigger or cause of sadness and anger is the same because something we hate comes to us and afflicts us.

Then anger is triggered by people who are below us, while sadness is triggered by people who are above us. For example, if it is triggered by a child (for example, do not want to obey the orders of parents), then there arises anger from parents because our parents are above us. Conversely, if we hate that thing from our parents then we become sad, not angry. for example, our parents scold him.

There is something that shouldn't and should not be like that, like being angry at God who gives us poverty, we should be sad, not angry. then it is not. natural. Because God is above us.

This is the attitude that emerges from the honey bee we have to exemplify because the honeybees do not exaggerate their actions to the things that should not .



Angry comes from the devil and the devil is created by God from the fires of hell. Because anger is so high blood pressure that is ignited and triggered by actions that we do not like. If you are angry, ablution is the best solution. Ablution is a panacea that will lower blood pressure and the hot aura that you bring up when you are angry.


Photo Taken@elmubareki
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PhoneXioami Redmi Note 4
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