A Jar of Honey in Christmas

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Image by @elisaday7 on Canva

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Image by Mariya Muschard on Pixabay

❄️¡Welcome to my Blog!⛄️I hope you are feeling wonderful, wishing you all a Merry Christmas with your family.

❄️In the community we are still celebrating Christmas, and it will be soon to open the gifts.

❄️Our beloved Esie is very happy and wants to celebrate with her contest and here I bring you my contribution to celebrate.

❄️My beloved Esie I have many things to tell you about how I celebrated Christmas and I would like to share it with you and the Community.

❄️In my country Christmas is celebrated under many traditions and all of them are special from the delicious Hallacas to the beautiful Aguinaldo songs. My way of celebrating it is not far from those traditions, however today I want to share another way of celebrating that arose recently in my home.

❄️On the eve of this Christmas my Youngest Son expressed his concern for the welfare of the family this season.

❄️My little one saw his Father's concern and encouraged him with his words.

❄️For a child Christmas is very important and when setbacks arise that wither the celebration they feel sad.

❄️As a result of all that had happened I met with my son to listen to his concerns and there arose this story, whose protagonists is our Family.

❄️A Christmas Story designed between a Mother and her Children that today I share.

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Image by Jennie on Pixabay

A jar of honey at Christmas🎄

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Image by Michael Heck on Pixabay

🎄Christmas Eve was approaching and a father received the job offer he had been waiting for, to become an employee of an important sawmill factory.

🎄This was the job proposal he was most looking forward to, not only would it solve his financial crises but also his family would have a Merry Christmas, even though it was still a month away.

🎄The new job required the father to move away with his family to a company condominium located in a town called Blanco.

🎄The family was happy , they had left behind months of many misfortunes , the family had lost almost all their assets , but now they could start again in this nice town.

🎄When they arrived in town, the company gave them a residence and the children went quietly to their classes, this new job was wonderful, it provided them with great benefits, including a roof where they could spend their days while their father's contract was being
Everything seemed to be going wonderfully for this family in that distant region.

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Image by Frauke Riether on Pixabay

❄️Bad news

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❄️However, one day everything changed and the owner of the Sawmill Factory died suddenly, leaving his family members fighting over the company in chaos. Everything fell behind for the family, the bills began to arrive and there was no response from the factory to the workers.

❄️When the new owners of La Fabrica arrived they brought bad news, La Fabrica would close its doors and everyone had to give up their homes as soon as possible. Contract cancellation payments were to be made in January of next year.

❄️An injustice for so many families on Christmas Eve. Now that father of the family would return home with bad news for his family.

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Image by Pexels on Pixabay

Tears of a father❄️

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Imagen de Pete Linforth en Pixabay

🎄The Dense snow has begun to fall and with it the Tears of a Father who does not know what to do.
His eyes swollen from crying and a mother who has to explain to her little ones that they must leave, dismantle the Christmas tree.

🎄They had only three weeks to find a place to go, they tried everything but nobody wanted to help them.

🎄Their last night, the father cries his eyes out and his child watches him hiding behind his door, his heart is moved and he wants to help so he looks up to the sky and makes a wish to .

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Image by congerdesign on Pixabay

Direct to the Cave❄️

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Imagen de SuperHerftigGeneral en Pixabay

❄️Just as the snow was beginning to fall that morning, the Garden roses were dressed in white snow. However, the family had to leave the house and their time was up.

❄️The father remembered that in the hills of the mountains he had seen many caves and prepared his family to go there, taking what little they could carry.

❄️After a long walk through the icy mountains they managed to find a small cave to spend the night, they conditioned it a little giving it warmth with the flames of a small fire.

❄️The father felt guilty for everything that was happening, but the days would make him understand that he was in the right place.

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Image of Enrique in Pixabay

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A Brown Bear named Oxi🎄


Image by NakNakNak at Pixabay

🎄Three days have passed and the bad news keeps coming, the Father went to town during all this time to look for answers, but the payments will not arrive until January.

🎄The morning of the fourth day looks so sober, the bread has run out and there is no fresh water, the anguished Mother runs to a nearby lake to quench her thirst and after her her two little children run, in an oversight her youngest son falls into a pit where a Gray Bear is dying.

🎄The desperate screams of the Mother alert the Father who has come back from town.
The fragile bear no longer has the strength to complain, the tight traps have made big wounds on his skin, but the little boy who keeps him company ignores his mother's advice and approaches him to help him. At first everyone was very frightened but seeing the tired Bear between all of them they pulled him out of the well.

🎄With great effort they took him to the cave to heal his wounds, the defenseless Bear only looked at them reflecting that he was unable to hurt him. He just needed to rest and recover, for three days he was sleeping with them at the entrance to the cave, watching the children bring him fish.
Listening to the Father who on those nights came to see how he was in his company, he took the opportunity to talk to him about how he felt.

🎄When the morning of the fourth day arrived, the bear left and the only thing they found was a name written in the white snow: OXI

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Image by Thomas at Pixabay

Honey jars❄️

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Image by PublicDomainImages at Pixabay

❄️The calendar marked three days without seeing the mysterious Bear in that place, it was already a week before Christmas Eve and that family could barely keep warm because of the intense cold.

❄️One afternoon after the snow stopped falling at the entrance of the cave, a jar of honey appeared, at first they doubted who had left them this gift.

❄️It was a very rich honey and the jar was not from the village, the details on the jar were the work of a sculptor, it had a figure of a lion.

❄️Three jars left at the door of the cave, each one had a letter in its design that when joined together left a name: OXI.

❄️A mystery for the family, the same word was in the snow when the bear left, the ingenuity of the little boy motivated him to wait very early for the fourth bottle to discover the character that left them the gift.

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Image by Eugen at Pixabay

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Bear tracks🎄


Image by Stefan Schweihofer at Pixabay

🎄The children's restlessness to discover who brought the jars led them to spend the whole night watching and just when sleep caught them, the sound of a branch stepped on by the bear woke them up.

🎄There was the bear with the jar in his mouth, when he looked at them he signaled for the children to follow him.

🎄 he little ones did not hesitate to follow him and after walking a few steps near the bear, behind two leafy trees that joined together, there were the ruins of an old mansion with thousands of jars of sweet honey inside.

🎄The bear led the little ones to a treasure, full of jars of honey, and after leaving them in that place he left.

🎄The bear had been grateful for the care of the family and gave them the entrance to a treasure.

🎄After discovering that place, the father now wept with happiness, the jars were of the best quality and therefore their value was very high and would leave them with a good profit.
An unexpected opportunity for the family, a gift given by a bear.

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Image by Dorothe at Pixabay

A Jar of Honey at Christmas❄️

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Image by MarquisAmon at Pixabay

❄️ The family was surprised, when they took some jars to a honey-making expert in town to estimate their value and all were amazed.

❄️The honey itself was exquisite and of high quality, while the lion-shaped container doubled the value of the jar, finished in gold and diamonds, of exceptional workmanship.

❄️The story behind the jars

❄️These beautiful jars were the creation of an important craftsman who lived in the village named Blanco.
This man loved nature and walking in the local mountains until one day he decided to go live in the mountains

❄️No one knew where the man lived, and from time to time he was seen in the village buying food. Until one day he fell very sick accompanied by a grizzly bear.
❄️The townspeople were alarmed at the sight of the bear and killed it. That day the lives of the two friends ended.

❄️The truth is that there were no heirs, only the beautiful family that the bear took to the treasure.

❄️That Christmas was unique, after spending days living in a cave, the family came down from the mountain and found a house to spend Christmas Eve.

❄️That season went from sad to the happiest for one family with the help of a mysterious Bear and his jars of honey.

❄️In appreciation, the family gave each family in town a jar of honey.

Merry Christmas ecency⛄️🎄❄️ family.

Remember that help sometimes comes from where you least imagine.

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Image by Bianca Van Dijk from Pixabay

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❄️It is beautiful to share stories with your children in this season, it is a very special way that allows you to see how creative they can be.

❄️This story is special because it has a lot about us as a family and as the end of the story says help always comes from where you least expect it and at Christmas there are always setbacks, but we can't let anything rob us of sharing with our loved ones, many things can be missing except love as a family.

❄️This Christmas Eve I hope to be at my parents' house for Christmas dinner, waiting for my children to receive their gifts.

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Meaning of the Honey jar❄️

Honey is very precious in the world, not only for its sweetness but also for every property it possesses.

Giving honey as a gift is synonymous with life and prosperity⛄️

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