My Inleo Performance Review


Good morning, beautiful people, for the past two days I have not been consistent with the #APRILINLEO daily prompt because of how busy I have been, and because of that, I decided that I was going to participate in today's prompt.

Today's prompt says;

Feedback about Inleo Performance this month

If I am not mistaken, I subscribed to the #Inleo premium nine days ago after much thought and planning, even though I had once been lucky to be picked by the team to merit the free monthly subscription about two months ago, and at that time, I didn't know much about the system, let's just say I didn't maximize the full potential of the subscription because I didn't understand it better until the tick was taken away from me after the expiration date.

Honestly, even though at that time I didn't understand the system better, I am still grateful to the team for the merit and the upvotes I received at that time because of the free tick that was given to me.


Well, I guess I first-hand experienced the saying that says; "You never know what you have until you lose it", because I didn't truly know the value of the tick that much and the much visibility I got as a result of the tick. It wasn't until my mentor sat me down and educated me more about Inleo and the tick that I understood that I had just missed a great opportunity given to me on a platter of gold by the team but the deed was already done.

All I needed to do was to plan and make amends for my mistake and a few days ago, after much plans, I finally made my goals and dreams come to reality when I purchased the tick and I got an orange tick different from the green tick @intishar has, but I am still glad that my orange tick is more beautiful than his green tick. Lol


So, yeah, and since then, having the tick has been the best thing that has ever happened to me, it not only brought smiles to my face, but it has helped me attain most financial goals, especially clearing up most of my debts I procured throughout this few weeks due to my mom's health conditions.

So far so good, #inleo performance this month is great and different from the last time I met it even though I still most of the time have difficulties when making a thread, as it always writes so many things not needed even before I can write what I intended to write but I think it is not as bad as the last two months I used the Inleo frontend.

Most days, I get to rest and think of what to write late in the evening and when I think about writing that day's daily prompt, I decide against it because I noticed that most Inleo prompts that are skipped for the day are the ones that are done late in the night and so because there is a possibility that my late post on the daily prompts may be skipped, I end up not participating in that day daily prompt and doing another post or not doing any post at all because I am too tired to think about a whole post to make without having a hint.

I know it is a tedious job but I think in cases when the person or subscriber makes the daily Inleo prompt post late and it is not yet the breaking of the next day, an exception can be made for such a person. Although I don't know if that happens to others but it has happened to me, so I am just stating it here nevertheless, Inleo's Performance this month from the first day I became a premium user even though I am not yet a month as a premium user, has been nothing but exceptional and I hope it continues that way and the team continues to build the interface to be stronger, reliable and better.

Thank you for reading!!!

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