Rosicrucians and Alchemy

Hey dear community, I hope you are all doing well so far and you have a week that has brought some interesting experiences into your life! In my new contribution, I would like to discuss alchemy and hope you are interested in this topic and can learn new things.


The Rosicrucians are a union that has been influenced by various occult teachings and has dealt a lot with the spiritual questions of human existence and it can also be seen as a union of different teachings which has merged into a whole. The Rosicrucians refer to the fact that much of their knowledge could come from Atlantis but it is difficult to stay with this topic on one point because there may be some parallel among the Rosicrucians, but it is relatively divided and there are different views on this topic and in the later course, much of the ideas has also merged with other associations such as the Freemasons and it was also about dealing a lot with alchemy. The origins are said to be traced back to the Middle Ages and Christian Rosencreutz should be considered as founder, who was considered one of the scholars of his time who dealt a lot with alchemy, and one of the best-known works was probably the chemical wedding in which he shared his experiences with alchemy and can generally be regarded as a collection of knowledge which was written in the form of a novel and should influence the origin of the Rosicrucians in the later course. Although the work was already created in the 15th century, it was published about two centuries later, but one can assume that it was already passed on in small circles as a mystical work and was considered a secret work and as the work was published during the 17th century, the origin of the Rosicrucians was also characterised, but to this day the exact origin is often very controversial and there are different interpretations.


In addition to the chemical wedding, the work Fama Fraternitatis was also very influential within the movement and the Rosicrucians became a respected movement and received more and more attention from higher circles and there were also many nobles at this time who had joined the movement and it came to the fact that more different knowledge landed there and in addition to alchemy, the Rosicrucians also dealt with the Kabbalah or other religions, spirituality, astrology, personality development as well as various occult practises and within the movement different rituals arose which were performed in secret. Through the time of the Enlightenment, science also gained more and more wind and this could also be seen among the Rosicrucians and the magical aspects were not rejected, but fell more into the background and this was the time when the movement became more and more divided and different branches with different ideologies developed and there were also often differences of opinion within the movement. Like the old alchemists, the Rosicrucians dealt a lot with supernatural questions and were of the opinion that nature was a work that was waiting to be completed and it was both about doing the work of alchemy in the practical sense and of bringing humans into a higher state. In addition to various processes in which transformation was in the foreground, it was also about transforming metals and artificially produce gold, and it can be said that the Rosicrucians collected many works by the old alchemists and applied them themselves, further developed them or created new knowledge that should shape this topic.


Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about this exciting topic! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.

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