👊🏻Gaining 🔥power with 💥"Gariel, Bolster of Souls" - "Gods Unchained"


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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Gods Unchained", hoy estoy jugando un mazo "Zoo Light" y me enfrenté a un mazo "Atlantean Magic" jugado por "MinPQT".
Greetings to the entire "Gods Unchained" community, today I'm playing a "Zoo Light" deck and I faced an "Atlantean Magic" deck played by "MinPQT".


Hago uso de "Holy Writ" para dar "+4 health" a mis 2 criaturas, con "Felid Janissary" atacó a la única criatura enemiga y con "Vesper of Concession" atacó al mago.
I use "Holy Writ" to give "+4 health" to my 2 creatures, with "Felid Janissary" I attacked the only enemy creature and with "Vesper of Concession" he attacked the magician.


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Ahora uso "Protective Benediction" para dar "+1 armor" y "protected" a mis dos unidades, esto me permite eliminar a 2 enemigos y mantener a mis dos criaturas en la arena.
Now I use "Protective Benediction" to give "+1 armor" and "protected" to my two units, this allows me to eliminate 2 enemies and keep my two creatures in the arena.


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Mi rival ha jugado "Enduring Archive", una "atlantean" que tiene la habilidad de ganar "protected" si en el "top card" de su deck hay una "atlantean".
My opponent has played "Enduring Archive", an "Atlantean" that has the ability to win "protected" if on the top card of his deck There is an "Atlantean".


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Uso la habilidad de "Gariel, Bolster of Souls" para duplicar el poder de una criatura que conseguí del "Santuario", que ahora podrá hacer 6 de daño al mago, además mis criaturas también hacer daño al mago, dejando a este con solo 6 puntos de vida. Mi rival se rinde en su turno porque se ve superado y no tiene como evitar la derrota.
I use the ability of "Gariel, Bolster of Souls" to double the power of a creature I got from the "Sanctuary", which will now be able to deal 6 damage to the wizard, plus my creatures will also deal damage to the wizard, leaving him with only 6 points of life. My opponent gives up on his turn because he is outmatched and has no way to avoid defeat.


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Reporte de tarjetas y mi nivel en el juego.

Tengo 449 meteorite, 38 shadow y 22 gold.
El valor estimado de mi colección es de 2129.39 gods lo que equivale a $729.04
Y mi nivel en el juego es 813.

Card report and my level in the game.

I have 449 meteorite, 38 shadow and 22 gold.
The estimated value of my collection is 2129.39 gods which is equivalent to $729.04
And my level in the game is 813.


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Mi mazo

Te dejo el código de mi deck para que lo puedas probar en tus batallas.

My deck

I leave you the code of my deck so you can try it in your battles.



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Si aún no juegas "Gods Unchained", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Gods Unchained" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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