Smart Ways to Make You Smarter in Time Management.


Smart Ways to Make You Smarter in Time Management.

Are you often late for an event? Are you having trouble completing tasks on time? Are you having trouble completing your tasks before the deadline? Do you often have trouble managing time?

If your answer is "yes" then you need to read the following tips so that you are better at managing your time.

  1. The first 90 minutes of your day is the key to your success

You wake up, bathe, dress, and prepare everything for your activities on that day. The activity takes about 1 hour. However, what do you often do before taking a bath?

Most people fill it out by checking their smartphones directly, opening social media, replying to messages, reading gossip, and other things. Though these activities can make you addicted without consciously pressing the refresh / update feature so that your time will be wasted.

There are other activities that are far more useful in the first 90 minutes of your day. Meditate calmly, stretch and light exercise, read books that motivate, and try to increase your creativity by making stories using only 2 words.

You must fill your first ninety minutes with things that increase your motivation, your mood, and your creativity to welcome the day with more enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

  1. Make a daily target

Plan your day before the "H" day arrives. You can do it in the morning or even better at night before you sleep. The daily plan will make you have a better picture of how your day will go.

For example, you plan to arrive at the office on time. Then you see the news that the road to your office is under repair. So when you have just written your plan, you will have anticipation of other plans so that you are not late for office. For example, by getting up early or looking for alternative ways.

  1. Don't delay, start early

Wake up early and not sleep anymore. When you wake up early, you will be calmer, mind more refreshed, and the power of creativity increases because you can think more clearly. The result is that your productivity will increase because your task is not neglected and can be completed on time.

The way you can do to get up early is not staying up late, keep the alarm from reaching the hand, and don't press the snooze button continuously.

  1. Take advantage of the calendar features on the smartphone

It's a shame if you have a calendar on a smartphone, but it's not used properly. Through digital calendars, you can make your daily schedule so as not to forget and at the same time can make the priority scale.

Synchronize your digital calendar to the various devices that you normally do, such as smartphone and laptops. That way you can access your schedule wherever you are.

  1. Work one by one, not multitasking

If you think people who are multitasking are cool then that's not true. Based on reports from National Public Radio (NPR) revealed that humans cannot do multitasking effectively.

Earl Miller, a neurologist in the NPR report said that humans only deceive themselves when they say they have done multitasking. He also said that basically humans cannot focus on several things at the same time. Instead, humans can only change focus from one thing to another at different times.

So, you should finish your assignments one by one. Multitasking will only make your work not optimal and the risk of error is high because you cannot focus many things at the same time.

  1. Learn to delegate tasks to people

Humans often do everything alone so they become overwhelmed. Sometimes it is wise if you are helped by someone else to complete the task. As a result, you will have more time to do other tasks, reduce stress, and the results of the task can be better because you delegate to experts.

Delegating is not the same as sending people. However, more to you allow the right of responsibility to the person to complete the task in its own way.

Surely this delegation concept applies to group goals, yes. Not to do individual tasks that you are responsible for independently.

  1. Confirm to yourself and others

Refuse it smoothly when you are asked to work on additional tasks when you are already in a lot of work.

Remember, you only have 24 hours a day just like other humans. If you don't dare say firmly "no" to others for something that is not important then you are just as prioritizing their interests above your interests. As a result, you will feel tired and overloaded because too lots of commitment and things to do.

  1. Prioritize your tasks well

Prioritizing is important as well as difficult in your time management. Let you not be confused, which are your priorities and what should you do first, you should be able to answer the following questions.

What is the purpose of your life? Why do you do that? How can you do that help you achieve your goals? How far can you work to help you achieve your goals?

  1. Apply the 'Pomodoro' technique to your time management

The 'Pomodoro' technique is a time management technique that divides your time into smaller ones. The first step is that you do your job for 25 minutes then rest for 5 minutes.

Do it for 4 times the Pomodoro technique or for 2 hours. After that take a longer break, 25 minutes to do the task, 15 minutes to rest so that you who are permitted to get used to this technique.

Pomodoro is very useful so that you are more focused, not easily bored and tired from doing tasks continuously.

  1. Besides to-do-list, make stop doing lists to stop your bad habits

Making to do lists is usually done and proposed by motivators out there. But what about making a stop doing list?

To do list is useful for reminders so you don't forget what to do today so your activities will be more organized. But writing stop doing lists will also make activities more organized.

You not only have to know what you want to do (to do list), you also have to know what you don't want to do (stop doing list) so you can focus more on the things you want to do. One that implements this method is Steve Jobs. He said that Apple was created because of the things they wanted and because of the things they ignored and did not do.

Writing down stop doing lists then you will prioritize things that you must complete by not doing things that are not important to be resolved. Time is very important so you don't need to spend it to do something that is not important to solve.

As Jim Rohn said, "Time is more valuable than money". Time is not money, but time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but not more time. Come on, from now on we learn to manage time even better!

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