Silly? It was worth the breakup

Anything that's too good is suspicious, especially when we know many are mad and a few are roaming. Just be you and I'll be fine, if the "you" isn't madder than I. After my NYSC, I needed to be far from home for a reason so I traveled to zaria, the town I had schooled. There I made new friends and joined the youth fellowship. After a few months I met this lady who probably fell in love with me at first sight , we got closer and sooner than expected we started dating.

Everyone needs a good partner, probably someone who is respectful and agrees to one's demand, but everything that's too much often has pretense in it - So I think and that was the case of this lady. Everything I said was a yes to her, it was like the lady in the movie "coming to America" who barked at the prince's command. Seemed as if her goals and every one of her dreams deviated to pleasing me the moment we started to date. The question"what's new?" Often comes with the answer "my love for you ". I got tired of hearing that. Nothing ever mattered to her than loving me. At one point I had to ask her what her goals are in life and the shocking answer was "loving me more". It may feel like a good thing but who wants to marry a lady who doesn't have her own plans in life?

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Everything she ever did was pleasing me and went as far as meeting my friend to tell her things that pleased me because that's what she wanted to be doing. I know I have prayed for a lady that will love me, but not for a lady that will abandon herself because she wants to please me. I tried to engage her a few times to know what she thinks about a matter and her reply is often "anything I think is fine by her". No! I didn't pray for the kind of lady who believes I'm everything, I wanted someone who though loves me, loves herself and has dreams and opinions to contribute to matters.

I didn't believe her attitude was real, within me I felt there was a pretense because she kept talking about marriage, and I suspected she was doing all that so I can consider her as the perfect spouse to wife. Unfortunately this led to me breaking up the relationship with her, no offense, no quarrel, not for the reason of infidelity, or expensive lifestyle (beside she never asked of anything from me) but for two reasons, she was too good, which I found suspicious, and the fact that she talks too much. During a conversation she talks 98% and I do the 2%, bringing up matters that do not concern me and ones which I don't even want to hear. I just couldn't cope with that kind of energy. I wanted a lady who'll be real and she didn't prove to be, and a lady who talks 60% and I do the 40% , not one who doesn't get tired of talking. Hahahaha.

This is in response to Hive naija contest. It's still active for 24 hours for participation

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