The Year of the Unimaginable


Well, the past three years have been filled with events that nobody could've predicted, let alone control, but 2023 will significantly up the ante with a key difference: in previous years, we've been more or less silent, passive witnesses of the process, only able to react within certain boundaries, forced to change many of our individual and collective patterns, training skills that we didn't dream we'd need, while this year brings us the possibility to take action, to set a course of our own making through the application of what we've learned in the past.

I began this year reading, or rather listening to, the Tao Te Ching for the first time. The treatise discusses the same insights found in other mystical traditions but with a special focus on leadership and governance, topics of the utmost relevance in our current global situation because, according to the messages that I've been receiving from my exercises in recent months, 2023 comes with the redefinition of many essential concepts of society and civilization such as value, home, work and family among others. Our current leadership has proven unequal to the task at hand and they're clinging to their posts with tooth and nails, so it's up to us to remove them and take their mantle whether we like it or not. We need new leaders and rulers, people with the capacity to see beyond their personal interests and the constraints of the institutions they helm, and I think we're all called to become those leaders at some level, to understand that we can't nor should make it on our own, we must work together.

Self-awareness is crucial at this moment, therefore studying Taoism and other ancient philosophies, or exploring any form of spirituality and occultism, would bring major insights regarding the current circumstances of our lives. These practices, if we do them right, help in elucidating the way we behave, speak and think about our reality, the memories that come unbidden throughout our present-day experiences, the emotions that drive us, the things we do everyday without knowing that we're doing them. Most critically, they help us understand our pain, grief and fear so we can learn from and dismantle them. It's important to note, however, that these are just paths, frameworks with a set of concepts that seek to explain the order of the Universe and the human soul. They shouldn't be taken as the personal wisdom of one individual or the identity of one group, and any teachings that come attached to vows of secrecy or loyalty toward people or organizations should prompt us to question. Regardless of the path we choose, the point is to know ourselves better and thus lead a better life, not to pledge allegiance to anyone or anything.


The unimaginable and supposedly impossible will be commonplace this year. Picture the most absurd scenarios that you can think of and they may still fall way short. I'm talking about the rapid downfall of corporate and political strongholds, the collapse of worldwide economies, the sudden emergence and rise of new technologies, the dissipation of national borders as climate change and conflict force millions to leave their countries and other similarly strange possibilities with their own sets of consequences for humanity, all of them ongoing rather than incipient. The practices that have got us to this point may not be enough and may even be counterproductive to deal with the coming challenges, but most importantly, to harness our full potential.

Fortunately, I think we've found a fluidity that we lacked before, fueled in no small part by growing access to all sources of information thanks to the internet, particularly social media. Our world has both expanded and grown smaller in a sense, as proximity between various cultures surges along with our connection to the happenings in other lands. We can more easily identify with the troubles, traditions, challenges and creative potential of other people and that necessarily boosts our empathy which in turn promotes higher responsibility, respect and discipline. It may not look like it where you're living now, but be patient and pay closer attention. Don't let the noise distract you from the wonder of "real-time" human evolution.

Overall, I have no doubt that 2023 will take us to a whole new level of public awareness, accountability and unity. Though the struggles may be huge, so is our capacity to take advantage of the shifting tides. I can't yet envision the nature and qualities of the opportunities that will materialize before us, but I know I'm up for it and I hope you are as well!


Rune of the Day: Othala inverted. Breaking of bonds, nullification of commitments, pending sacrifices.

The Rune speaks of the loss of legal claim to territory, pacts and agreements that have run their course or are suddenly challenged. Chains lose their strength, bonds and ties deteriorate. Freedom is not free, something must be offered by the aspirant to enter the temple, something also offered once inside the temple. The knowledge that is sought comes tainted by expectations, let the knowledge come to you naturally and accept it of your own volition. The passing of time may be frightening, remember the Now. Concentrate on your ongoing works, do not start new ones for a period. In new relationships, avoid quick engagements.

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