The Joy of Discipline, the Beauty of Adaptation


Yesterday after an important and fruitful conversation with @selfhelp4trolls, I decided to plug my external drive back into the computer to check on some information and also clear up a bit of space in my main storage drive. After I'd done that, I opened a folder containing images from years ago and found a backup of my Lightroom files which included pictures that I thought lost forever following a format operation I was forced to do in 2020. I was overjoyed! Over 3,000 pictures between 2011 and 2014 documenting family gatherings, walks across the city and trips to other cities in the country, even a short trip to Panama with my sister. Although the photographs had been there all along, it felt like a true reward to see them again and add them to my current active catalog in the application.

Later, I was talking with my friend Rebeca and she told me about two novels she'd recently read, "Los Llanos" by Argentinian writer Federico Falco and "Un Verdor Terrible" by Chilean author Bejamín Labatut, the former about the everyday experiences of a man living in the country after leaving his past city life and marriage behind; the latter about several historical events involving science, war and art in which beauty and wonder mix up with horror and cruelty. Her description of them fascinated me because the stories are so in tune with this very Aquarian energy that we're starting to experience now. I was honestly in bliss throughout the entire day with this information, and can only wonder at the possible revelations that are yet to come during this weekend.


I'm absolutely certain that I'm receiving (or rediscovering) this data now because of my commitment to my service, the discipline that I've applied in the studies that I've chosen, the passion with which I've pursued my path of self-discovery. For years I've understood the connection between Discipline, Pleasure and Freedom, and my current experience is yet another example of that. I feel ready and willing, thankful and supported. I've made many mistakes in my life, of course, but right now my intuition tells me that, in general, the thread of my conduct and choices has been profitable, and that this standard of respect and responsible to which I hold myself has liberated me to previously unthinkable levels of awareness, understanding and love.

So this is my message to you, sustained by the Rune that you see below: hold yourselves also to the highest standards, focus on your goals and tasks, never abandon your discipline, avoid distractions, establish an intention but pay attention and remain open to any changes. This way you too will be able to receive the greatest amounts of information from the environment and, in turn, your inner drives. This will enable your adaptability and expand your capacity for learning and evolution to degrees that you may find difficult to believe at this moment.

The time we're going through is pregnant with opportunities. It won't be an easy-lazy ride, though, and this is all the more reason not to rest on our laurels or succumb to faithlessness, despondency or greed. Things are changing tremendously fast, those who manage to change with them will profit the most from the process of transformation!


Rune of the Day: Nauthiz. Constraint, Discipline, Unbinding, Crossing.

The time has come for a change of heart, necessity compels you to shift your stance and rebalance your priorities; long held opinions lose relevance in the face of circumstance, let go of obsolete ideas, clinging to particular perspectives limits your advance and reduces your mobility. The bird renounces the land with every flight, drop all encumbrance and rise. To harness the present moment, dismantle the filters that restrict your awareness, open yourself to receive the information. Intuition is agile where intellect is clumsy, the situation calls for attention and haste rather than extensive analysis. There is pleasure and beauty in responsibility, discipline is emancipation.

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