For the Kingdom and the Queen.

Once upon a time, in a land filled with chaos and clutter, the earth split open. With thunders rolling and the sky and wind tearing down cities, it wasn’t much of a wonder to see the ground split, so no one gave it any thought, all too busy with saving their own lives to care. But even then, the earth had split open, and in the middle of all that ignorance shown by the humans of the land, out came a being.

With armour made of stone and eyes sharp and wide, the being walked out, head held high. The air began to hiss as her hair whispered to her in the tongue of snakes, and even in the chaos, she rose; adamant, proud and demanding, she spoke;

“Hell-ooo, amiii ashciiiiii!!!”

And came, she did…..Okay, that sounded…weird.

Anywhoo, This was the tale of how Medusa came to earth, so every year, on the night of 27th October, humans, well, they keep on ignoring her arrival as no one saw her being born in the first place…

Well, this letter has started off on the wrong foot now... I was aiming for dramatics! :3

What I’m trying to say is, even if humans never did see your arrival, we, spawn of hell, sure did remember the day you graced the planet with your own set of terror. By that, I mean is, happy birthday to youuuu @surrealfia!!

Yes. Just that. Perfect. Happy Birthday!

Okay now jokes aside, how are you doing? Although you and I are not in the habit of making regular conversation, it seems to me that these days, you have shifted your existence elsewhere from this small land of BDC we called home. Are you doing well? I haven’t heard from you in ages.

I know that I may not be someone who is worthy to be called your friend. I’ve told you this already a lot of times, but for some reason, you still decided to give me the time of your day, whenever you could. Tell me, this sea of kindness that you harbour in your soul, how many nights of solitude did it take to build it? No, I’m not trying to butter you up. You know pretty well how my buttering style goes by now. But I am curious; just how do you manage to be so kind to a person who you met a handful of times, who sits behind a screen and most of the time, is a brat? This whole unconditional business that you’ve got going on here, how does it function? Can you teach me?

Because in the end, I’m just a scared little kid who hides her fears in the shroud of narcissism. I act like i have an inflated ego, and you, for some reason like to pump more wind into it every chance you get? Is this subtle encouragement of yours some kind of cryptic message I’m missing? Is there some catch to all this? How can I be sure that one day you may just not vanish from my life entirely?

Ugh….Look at me turning a birthday letter into an interrogation…-,-

Enough of this chit-chat. Happy birthday once again Medusa. You might not know it yet, but I do kinda look up to you. And know that if this was a world of fantasy, there would always be one man who will stand with a blade to protect your throne in hell…That would be @sarashew, of course.

Me? Well, I don’t do protecting honey.
But be damn sure I’ll make you win the war :’)


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