🚬 Buds from my nightstand

Hello smokers!
I put the child to sleep and puffed the thick smoke of my buds again and thought of you...


I remember this joke!
The man is asked:
-Where do you get your weeds?
-As where? In the nightstand!
-And how do they get into the bedside table?
-The wife puts them there..
-And where does your wife take it?
-I am giving!
-So where do you get your weeds?
-I already answered - in the nightstand!



You ask: WTF is this???
And I will answer.
I took off 4 huge bushes and simply did not have time to trim them. As tired as an ox by this sticky process. And in the end, I lost heart and dried the lower half of the last bush in the basement, untrimmed.
Then all the trimmed buds ended and now I regularly dive into my nightstand🧞

I wish you all a bright warm sun and huge, juicy buds!

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