Sharing my Game of Bones animal parodies and Faffing about on a Sunday morning.

Jon Snow as a Husky/Wolf


Per a comment's chat with @ruth-girl I thought I'd share my Game of Bones GOT inspired animal characters today. I just moved a few of them to my redbubble account. As I mentioned previously, I am in process of putting things on my own site which is undergoing some reconstruction, but thought maybe I'd use the various online sales sites, such as redbubble, to house some of my things.

I do like how they show them on people.

I mean, I haven't a clue who this fellow is, but he does make my shirt look darn cool ; or in the common parlance of the day, "that shirt is on fleek" ;)

I have not done every GOT character, but I have done a few. One of my favourites is Tyrion. I like his character in the series as he adds a break of humour and lightness to a rather heavy episodic serial. I also happen to be a fan of dogs of small stature so it stands to reason, I'd use his character a couple of times.

Tyrion as a Chi as well as a Pug.



And when doing my version of Dany with her dragons, I couldn't help but include the ferocious chihuahua as her trusty dragons.

Having just done an animal character the other day, My Ron Weasely, I realize I need to add more to these collections. They are a fun sort of break or refresher of a day. The way my black and white drawings give me a zen moment, these fun character designs are like the pickled ginger to cleanse my palette between sushi.

If you want to see a few more of my animal characters just pop over here to my redbubble page

As it is a #sublimesunday I thought I might ruminate a bit on my weekend.

Working mainly with my own schedule and hours, 'weekends' per say, don't necessarily exist for me. That is to say, I sort of really work every day and then also take a break every day.

If I want a 'day off' it usually is at my discretion. This is less true in Summer, when I am at the mercy of the rental schedule of my two little cottages that I let out weekly. This has just come to an end and thus my more 'free' schedule will arrive. This is really apropos of nothing, but merely a shout out to the eternal time keeper that I am now less hindered by it and so must be even more diligent in my own set daily schedule.

I've always been fairly good about setting a daily schedule.

This might be in part due to being home schooled and being expected to make my schedule to allow my work to be done and my 'play time' to happen. I always say that in my heart I am a lay-about and my 'free time' and 'alone time' is always my first priority.

I schedule my days to lead to that.

Thus, I work first thing when I rise until a set time so that I can then spend a portion of my day staring at the sea or mindlessly doing very little, such as playing in the garden or just thumbing through books and mags and drinking far too many pots of tea.

The downfall, of course, to this dedication to a work in the morning so I can faff about the rest of the day, means I am very good at ignoring what could or should be done, once my 'work' day has ended.

Such as my studio and office might get a bit untidy and rather pile up because of that. Case in point: I have a pile of old books on the bed in my house studio now that landed there last week. I was rearranging my space and when my timer went off they were still on the bed...and there they still sit.

You'd think seeing it would encourage me to set at it right straight away,

but, alas I do my work and when that timer goes off, the rest of the day is given over to my lay about self.

And would my lay about self like to take 10 minutes to rearrange her books? Apparently not.

I like to both live in the moment and plan for tomorrow, if that makes any sense.

I'd like each day to have a bit of 'fun' in it. Luckily for me, being an easily amused introvert, that means collecting shells or staring for hours or planning out imaginary worlds; all easy to come by and fairly cheap.

Each day contains a bit of list for the next day as well as live in the moment. Thus, my day is usually this:

  • Rise early with coffee and work in Studio and office
  • Do any errands
  • Copious amounts of tea and healthy amounts of Faffing.
  • Make tomorrow's list for work

And this list tends to work overall, with a bit of tweaking here and there of a day.

Well, here we can see, by this meandering post about nothing, that I am rather good at pontificating on the pointless, so I will close here.

I hope all of you have a grand Sunday and have a good ole' faff. Nothing was ever hurt by doing a few chores then staring at the wall of a Sunday. Give it a try...

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And check out my other posts.

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