A Paradigm Shift - Software and Infrastructure for Hive/Web3 - HDF Proposal

Where HIVE excels

We have fast, feeless transactions, a true decentralized community, and a Hive Development Fund. However, the blogging and current use cases aren't quite treading water in terms of price and interest. A while ago @markegiles and I had a crazy idea to put VR on blockchain: and we did it. Hive was the first cryptocurrency in the world supporting VR. What's even more amazing are the tools and methods developed to make it a reality.

Using Hive-Keychain and a free online tool called Glitch we built a WYSIWYG dApp packager/VR editor. I highly suggest watching this instructional video to see how there was drag and drop file insertion into IPFS, automated manifest updates, (several automated VR things that are cool but not the reason for this post), and single click dApp posting to HIVE, all released before Decentraland even had an editor.

In addition to a method to decentralize content storage and distribution that IPFS made possible, the method to run the dApps/VR in browser is a key technology that can enable any and all apps that can run in browser to be signed and delivered via HIVE. Forget blogging rewards for just a moment; imagine that putting software out for the world to use was effectively free, and the more it was seen the less your infrastructure costs.

Our backend read the manifest that the WYSIWYG builder put together and pinned that IPFS content. Work on this aspect of our infrastructure stopped there as even with all our success at building and prototyping we didn't get the attention or support to continue it's development.

To make things decentralized we needed our backend to be a token architecture.

DLUX is HIVEs first limitless dApp platform.

To make it truly decentralized so our global community can benefit from censorship resistant application distribution and equality of opportunity through market rate low costs, decentralized financing was developed and prototyped. The dApp platform is currently live at dlux.io with our DeFi portal in a mock up state.

Our protocol allows interested parties to finance an account with roughly 120HP, and run a lightweight consensus side-chain to automate collateralized HIVE and HBD escrow transfers to facilitate atomic swaps. In addition to the protocol for swaps any business or community logic can be added. This is better than SMTs in so many ways.

This is truly De(centralized)-Fi(nance) on HIVE. An open source, extendable protocol which will allow our community to put together not just DLUX infrastructure, but to realize smart contracts, community controlled multi-sig wallets, and even market non-transferable assets like Account Creation Tokens.

All our work has been open-source. It's always had the goal of complete decentralization. Read my blog for in-depth progress and methods.


I am once again asking...

The infrastructure to run these prototypes cost around $70/month. If the web grows with decentralization in mind these costs won't increase for people who choose to run nodes in the DeFi protocols. In the short term however growth will cost more to serve IPFS content in containers. Because the DeFi protocol here is node based fees can be far lower than similar DeFi protocols on other chains. Users running nodes will have roughly fixed cost and the fees on trades can be as low as the market allows, in effect Node operators will be DeFi mining with their HIVE RCs. Unlike similar tech on ETH which can cost >$10 in gas fees currently.

Currently there is 1.5 full time devs hoping to work on these protocols. Them being myself and @markegiles who has put together the UI in the various prototypes. When our protocol is ready for an audit that will also be a cost we have to bear.

We've been around for years. Having put up VR on STEEM before Decentraland. Built a WYSIWYG VR editor for building VR before Decentraland had their editor up. Prototyped a DeFi protocol at the same time as UniSwap.

We're petitioning the HIVE DAO for 300 HBD per day for the next 2 months.

We'd love to have our protocol at a level where it can finance itself and we'd love to have the Hive DAO with a solid dev win. Let's get there together!

We already have 5 community members running DLUX nodes, and 1.5 full time developers

By Feb

A full featured and tested portable swap protocol. Allowing any HIVE community such as actifit to run their own tokens simply by modifying a config file on a branch. As well as the front-end scripts and basic UI to interact with the backend.

By April

A fully deterministic multi-signature wallet. Enabling DAO functionality for HIVE communities and hyper-powering smart contracts into more than just their native tokens. At this level of functionality cross-chain bridges would be possible, utilizing individual nodes as consensus oracles for other chains.

By June

Use the above infrastructure to incentivize content storage and delivery on IPFS.

It all comes together

There have been thousands of lines of code written to to make what we have a functioning prototype and inform our path forward. Visit our Github, get inspired, build your community.

HIVE is ALIVE. It's time to start kicking.

Support our proposal #148 - PeakD link

White Paper

I'd Like to personally thank @ats-david @whatsup @crimsonclad @qwoyn @rishi556 @mcfarhat @taskmaster4450 and @theycallmedan for the support of both me and HIVE

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