The Benefit Of Staying Awake

Good afternoon everyone, two days, I hope everyone is doing well, all thanks to God.
Staying awake is very necessary for everyone, once you know your left and right, one can stay awake base on his or her personal reason, as for me, here are some of the reason why I stay awake.

What keep me awake most of the time is prayers, I enjoyed praying when every where is quiet, it makes me to be focus and I have access to flow in prayer, is in the place of prayer I settle everything, how I want my day to look like what to do, where to go and how to get what I want, especially when am having a boarding on something it makes me to pray with out any distraction from my children and that is when my mine is calm from any problem also when studying the word once every where is quiet I concentrate and mediate in other to get the inside, prayer has become part of my life that I can't do without, it's at that hour am being open up for new things. Mostly is at the late hour, I hear from God while praying, I received instructions for what to do or what I need he gives me directions practically, so I won't be in confusion.
I stay awake mostly to go on research, especially on hive as a newbie trying to see the right way or the method on how people are writing in other not to go out of point and knowing some rolls in some of the community, I used that time to read other materials so I will be rightly updated, because it when you read voraciously that is when you be rightly refreshed, reading news to know what goes on around me. It was as a result of research that I got to know that HBD is low now, so staying awake has been helpful seriously.


I stay awake to look for the right solution to solve a particular problem that has being eating me up because that is when I will think Straight and get the correct way to go about the problem, it is during the night hours that I meditates and think about my life, especially when things are not moving the way I wanted, it's makes sleep to escape or disappear from my eyes, which makes me to stay awake by force from there I have no choice than to engage myself with other things like chatting with friends on Facebook or on my phone play games by so doing it Ease me of my problem .

As far as life is concerned, everyone needs a time that he or she needs to be alone, so has to figure out some things or settle down to think straight in other to know how to go about a particular problem or find a way out of the problem.

Thank for stopping by.

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