# Dear @TeamHumble //21st September 2018 // Welcome to Saturdazeeeeee time to hustle!

@dayleeo Steemit-Covers (9).png

Morning Biza! Some great things to report...

1- Today I noticed I had zero back pain, could be because im taking pain pills from my tooth but honestly I think its the yogas more than anything..

2- I haven't thought about pain pills since 12pm- its now 7pm! YES!

3- My voice is sore and scratchy from recording 12 tracks of @steemmonsters voices and I'm sleeeepy but I’m so stoked to post those tomorrow!

You said it early this morning and you were right. Today was a great day….

3 Things I’m Grateful for Today… (yes more lists)

  • you.
  • my mini biza farming partner.
  • feeling positive vibes moving into the weekend

It’s true, I’m tired but I still feel really damn good. Ready to get a good night’s sleep in and get into some serious WERK tomorrow…

Oh I dont think I got a chance to told you, that potential client from the job invitation i got this morning came in SO hot after yoga, messaging me a million times from two different accounts, demanding I call her, telling me I had 3 projects I had to have done for her by the end of the day that “should only take an hour each” (well 3 hours of work is all she was willing to pay for).

Part of me was tempted to suck it, up and just go for the extra cash but I was getting such nightmare vibes from this one I knew it could never be worth it, so I politely declined and said I didn’t have the availability. And in truth I didn’t because I really just wanted to work on VO stuffs.

I was nervous going in but I had so much fun I ended up recording each character twice. I’m a little scared to go back and listen to it tomorrow. Part of me is afraid I’ll listen back and it’ll be really bad but I’m going to try my best to just be open and see what I can make of it. Maybe I’ll choose the top 3 or 4 voices. We’ll see what’s there. I was legit cracking myself up making the voices though…

After my hunting and modding duties, and after playing GAYMESSSS with BIZAAAA Dad came home and we chatted for a few and I started a little intro post for the @eatthingsmakesuff account. I want to make a little footer for the bottom of those posts but other than that I’m going to keep it simple and just dedicate an hour a day to bringing a post over. It shouldn’t take too long, I think there are less than 50 total anyway. I’ll feel so much better knowing that stuff is off wordpress and safe on zee-chain.

I feel like I kept a good balance today. I got a lot done, but I didnt stress and I also got a lot of things done that I love, like my yogas and microphone play time and farm time with girl. A well rounded good day. But now she’s tired. I think I’m going to take my final two pills of the day and hit the hay darlin.

Hopefully tomorrow I won’t have to take any!

I love you to pieces and I hope you’ve slept well and are feeling awesome as well. I can’t wait to talk to you in the morning. Happy Saturday Mouser!

<3 Your Biza

dear-teamhumble long-distance blockchain-diary love life

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