Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! / Magic cards useful in battle.

A few days ago the season ended, so again began the search and planning of strategies, this season I plan to continue using the 0 mana cards in all elements, as I explained in the previous publication, in addition to the magic cards, but I also plan to buy SPS, I think it is ideal time to buy and take advantage of the APR granted by Stake of tokens.

Fuente/Source: Splinterlands.

But this season I will focus on the use of magic cards, mainly in Fire and Earth, since in the water element I have defined the cards I usually use; these cards I plan to use them in combination with Delwyn Dragonscale, to thus potential attack; so I will show cards that I have used and that I consider useful in the mentioned elements


This card requires a high Mana consumption, it is ideal to use it in silver league battles, Caladuum has resistance to magical attacks, this thanks to the empty ability, but it also has 3 shield and 10 life, so it can hold its own in battles.

When combined with Delwyn Dragonscale, it can increase the attack up to 4; in this way it is able to quickly destroy the life of other monsters, from my perspective it is an advantage to have this type of magic cards, because its attacks are direct to the life and not to the shields; therefore it is an ideal card to use in the fire element.

Ifrit Rising.

Ifrit Rising is another card with an interesting ability in the fire element, such as Recharged, it allows to increase the attack and cause almost double damage; this can also be used with Delwyn Dragonscale, so we will get a better performance.

On several occasions this card has allowed me to finish monsters with just one attack, an advantage is that it requires less mana; using Caladuum and Ifrit Rising in the same team can be lethal, I consider them very strong and if we use them in higher levels is even better, it would really be great if there were more magical summoners in the fire element, similar to the existing ones in the water element.

Runemancer Florre.

This card of the earth element, does not have any ability, but its basic attributes make it incredible, since it has two attack modes; both magic attack and ranged attack, the life of this monster is high, besides that it is fast; but the best we can get from this, is the double attack, in this way it is possible to have better opportunities to wear down the opponent.

Something beneficial is that we can use them with Obsidian, I make reference to this summoner, since it is common to use it, even in the basic cards we can find them; besides this we can combine Goblin Psychic to try to keep them more in the battles and at the same time continue causing damage with magic, you can really create strong teams in the earth element, since there are many fantastic magic cards, such as Suidae Shaman that has the ability Recharged.


The analysis of these cards is based on cards that I used in the last season and which were key in my last season in the silver league; you probably wonder why I use so many magic cards, it is because I consider that they give us advantages, since we do not waste time destroying shields, on the contrary we go straight to life and quickly finish with our opponents; for me it is always ideal to have some magic card in our teams, as long as the conditions of the battles allow it, and logically we must complement it with a good strategy.

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I hope I have fulfilled your expectations and that you have enjoyed watching my publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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