HiveBuzz Loaded with Helpful Information

HiveBuzz Welcome screen.PNG

If you have never visted the Hivebuzz website and pulled up your username, you are missing a website that is loaded with a lot of helpful information.

Most people go to HiveBuzz to see the badges they have earned from the various progress they have made on the Hive Platform.

Hive progress badges.PNG

Each of the tabs provides information.

  • NFT For Peace
  • Activity
  • Personal
  • Meetups
  • Power Up
  • Tour
  • World Cup 2022

However there is part of the website that provides even more information about activity on the Hive Platform. It is called Rankings. To get to the rankings data, click on the red icon on the top right of the screen.

HiveBuzz menu - rankings.PNG

Once you click on that button, it will bring you to a screen with the data for all Hive Users.

Ranking landing page.PNG

If you click on the column title it will sort all users by that data point. Below I sorted by HP (Hive Power). You can see which column the data is sorted by which column title reflects the down arrow just to the left of the title. In this case you will see it next to HP.

Rankings by Hive Power.PNG

But where do you fall in the rankings for the various data points? If you enter your username in the seach field at the top right of the screen it will go to the page which lists your username.

ranking HP - darmst5339.PNG

I was very surprised to find that I am ranked 3832 in Hive Power. The good part about having Hive Power is that you earn 3% APR.

Check out where you rank amount users on the Hive Platform. You may be as surprised as I was by where you stand.

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1 column