Week five: Goblins? Stone problems.

Darklands is and rpg this is the colony post to the how-to-do-darkland-and-tutorial if you want to jone, comment below or go on Discord

The outpost is desperate after stone and goblin army spotted. creatures? and dead colonists.
no time to rest.


all photos from pixabay

Rules and Quests

All info in the file the playable quest day is Wednesdays so make your turn before Wednesdays.

Overview over all collonyes getting update evey week.

New buildings
some of you have new building this week. new worker class the Scientist.
some buildings need to be researched, and some building are not available to everybody but someone has them, so you need to trade Resources. if you want all possibilities.
you need to expect miss spelling in the post. its a work in progress on many levels.
The trading outpost.

GOBLINS...this newer ending. the new wall is just half-finished and we cant get more stone. this is not good. and what is these new enemy the dark mist one
now we have multiparty reports of them moving in the country. even attacking
we thinking someone pulling their strings. some dark creature in a tower.

the blacksmith is still missing we think he is dead.
but we want to now what happen to him.

special offer we buying stone 1-1 1/2 wood
buying wood and food 1-1


went to investigate the strange sound to his big surprise he fund a spider the size of a horse. ha manage to get a few hit in before the spider counterattack
The strength of the attack was so hard he was thrown through the air.
the spider retreat into the cave. Blockurator feel lucky to be alive.
in the spiders web was a dead man. he had some hide leggings and a iron axe one some silver in his pocket. a need to find some help and go back here a think cant do this one alone. he finds some berry's on the way home to. his worker has made the Research bench and Resources has been collected, and new worker also Arrive the colony but he was a bit more expensive it was 10.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20SP (two workers)
Wood 5 (+4 worker)(-1 fire)(-10 construction)
Stone 9 (+5 worker)
Food 6 (+2 worker) (+2 quest)(-4 consumption three workers)
Silver 2 (+6 quest)(-10 hire worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+1 Stone +2 farm -1 wood

Colony defense
Blockurator 5
4 workers 12

(+3 stone hammer)(+3 stone club)(+4 iron axe)
(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide leggings)

Fire place -1 wood
Research bench

Colony Phase:
you can move u four workers around if u want.
to hire one more cost 15 silver

1 Lumberjack;
1 Forager;
1 Miner;
1 Builder;
A Scientist

Farm 20 wood 5 stone +5 wheat
Lumber yard 20 Wood 5 Stone +5 wood
Quarry stein 5 wood 20 stone +5 stone
Wood wall 50 wood 10 stone +1 def
Barracks 25 wood 50 stone 5 silver +2 def (new worker type soldier)
Research bench two. 40 wood 40 stone 10 silver 5 iron (unlock level 2 buildings)

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,iron mine,Brewery,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall

Contact trade outpost about missing blacksmith (easy)
Enter the spider cave (hard) multiplayer don't go alone.
investigate what happen tho the01crow (medium)

@cyber.explorer (fyres forest)

went to the outpost the find more info on the missing blacksmith.
the outpost are sure he is dead. sadly the woker ho talked to him was killed in the attack. but this worker gave a map to @methus.
all we now he was going in the mountains to find iron we now about the area where it was but its a maze up there cave and ravines. and we now its cold up there take this hide helmet. and some food for you travels home. your lumber jacks are doing a excellent job. some food to. but the hunter cabin is up.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Wood 18 (+14 worker)(-20 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 0 (-5 construction)
Food 6 (+5 workers)(+1 Blaze)(+2 quest)(-7 consumption six workers/dog)
Silver 2 (-10 hire worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+2 wood +1 hunting -2 stone

Colony defense
cyber.explorer 5
6 workers 18

(+4 stone spear)(+4 iron sword)(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 armor hide helmet)

Fire place -1 wood
Hunter cabin (+5 food +1 hide per worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move your six workers if u want.
to hire one more worker u need 15 silver

2 Lumberjack;
2 Forager; (hunter)
A Miner;
1 Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Armorer 30 wood 50 Stone
Research bench 10 wood

Find The blacksmith part 2 (medium)
investigate what happen tho the01crow (medium)


is going to find out where the blacksmith is.
its more colonists there asking the same. the outpost are sure he is dead. sadly the worker ho talked to him was killed in the attack. but this worker gave a map to @methus. all we now he was going in the mountains to find iron we now about the area where it was but its a maze up there cave and ravines.
the out post is giving you a hide leggings its cold up there and on the way back u find some food. your workers has been working hard collecting and the fireplace is done.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Wood 15 (+6 worker)(-5 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 2
Food 7 (+5 workers)(+2 quest)(-4 consumption four workers)
Silver 11

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:

Colony defense
Creativetruth 5
4 workers 12

(+3 bow)(+3 battle hammer two hand)(+4 "Fang")
(+2 armor horn helmet)(+1 armor hide leggings)

Buildings: bed
Fireplace (-1 wood)

Colony Phase:
you can move your four workers if u want
U have 5 silver u can hire one worker

1 Lumberjack;
2 Forager;
A Miner;
1 Builder;

u can build buildings if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Research bench 10 wood

Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Find The blacksmith part 2 (medium)
investigate what happen tho the01crow (medium)


is going to Escort stone caravan to the outpost after meeting ronaldoavelino
the went on there way on the way back form the stone quarry the got confront by a group of goblins manage kill them, but got was chased by a goblin army. and lost half the caravan, just before the got in safety the where attacker by a mysterious warrior he disappeared in tho the air only thing you fund was a gloving green stone. when back at the outpost. its better then noting but.
we need a plan to make the stone quarry safe. Ecoinstant want to go back.
outpost we need more info. take a small group and scout on the area. we need to find there stronghold before we can attack them. the dark warrior is worryingly it most be a dark master out there. pulling some strings.
your lumberjack had a ok week, and the Forager had a excellent week. you got some wood from the outpost. and shome food.

Resources Phase:

SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Wood 32 (+12 workers)(+7 quest)(-1 wood fireplace)
Stone 7
Food 13 (+9 workers)(+3 quest)(-6 consumption five workers)
Silver 2 (-10 hire worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
Resources: +1 food +2 farming -1 stone and wood

Colony defense
Ecoinstant base 5
6 workers 18

(+3 bow)(+4 stone spear)(+3 stone club)(+2 hide armor)(+1 wood shield)
(+1 hit gem necklace)

Buildings: bed
Fireplace (-1 wood)

Colony Phase:
u can move your six workers if u want
you can hire one worker 15 silver

4 Lumberjack;
2 Forager;
A Miner;
A Builder;

u can build buildings if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Farm 20 wood 5 stone +5 wheat
Research bench 10 wood

Contact trade outpost about missing blacksmith (easy)
Scout on the area for the goblin stronghold (medium)
investigate what happen tho the01crow (medium)

is going to Discovered the immediate area he finds a lot of big game but he think he need a hunter to get it. its not a lot of berry's round. but he find some anyway. he hire one more worker.
the Research bench is done its open up a lot of new possibilities.

Resources Phase:

SP Delegated: 10SP (One worker)
Wood 12 (+9 workers)(-10 construction)(-1 fireplace)
Stone 7
Food 8 (+2 quest)(-3 consumption two workers)
Silver 2 (-10 hire worker)
Ale 2

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
Resources: +2 stone +2 hunting -1 food

Colony defense
Methus 5
3 workers 9

(+3 bow)(+4 spike wood club)(+4 stone spear)(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide helmet)

Buildings: bed
Fireplace -1 wood per turn
Research bench

Colony Phase:
u can move your three workers if u want
you can hire one worker 15 silver.

2 Lumberjack;
A Forager;
A Miner;
1 Builder;
A Scientist

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +5 food and hide
Lumber yard 20 Wood 5 Stone +5 wood
Quarry stein 5 wood 20 stone +5 stone
Wood wall 50 wood 10 stone +1 def
Barracks 25 wood 50 stone 5 silver +2 def (new worker type soldier)
Research bench two. 40 wood 40 stone 10 silver 5 iron (unlock level 2 buildings)

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,iron mine,Brewery,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall


Find The blacksmith part 2 (medium)
(the blacksmith was meting and dwarf in the mountains.
you have the map over the caves.)
investigate what happen tho the01crow (medium)


is going to find out where the blacksmith is.
she is meeting them in the door, the outpost told us he is is dead. they gave a map to @methus. all we now he was going in the mountains to find iron we now about the area where it was but its a maze up there so not so smart to go alone.
after you are giving the armorer in the outpost your bear hide. you kille this one..while he working you tell the story a More workers from the colony are listening to excitement over the story. the armorer give you the hide back he has made a cape the bear head is still on you can where is as a helmet or resting on your shoulder. you feel powerful when you are wearing it. one colonist give you his hide helmet you need these more them me.
the outpost is telling you on the goblins in the hill.
your worker had a perfect day in getting stone. and the fire is going.
you find some food on the way back

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 5 (-5 construction)(-1 fireplace)
Stone 13 (+7 worker)
Food 12 (+3 quest)(-2 consumption one worker)
Silver 2 (-10 hire worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
Resources: +1 stone +2 hunter -2 wood

Colony defense
Paradigm42 5
2 worker 6

(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spiked club)(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 hit bear cape "special item")

Buildings: bed
Fireplace (-1 wood)

Colony Phase:
u can move you two workers if u want to
you can hire one more worker 15 silver

A Lumberjack;
A Forager;
1 Miner;
1 Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +5 food 1 hide per worker
Research bench 10 wood

Find The blacksmith part 2 (medium)
investigate what happen tho the01crow (medium)


is going to Escort stone caravan to the outpost. he meet up whit Ecoinstant
on the way back form the stone quarry tree goblins was picking a fight, no problem there, but it was just the start on the problems, and goblin army is coming after them. and half the caravan was lost, and just before the got in safety the we got by a mysterious warrior he disappeared in tho the air only thing you fund was a gloving green stone. but a made a necklace of it a feel stronger.
the outpost is glad none was killed but we are missing a lot of stone.
your worker had a excellent week. but sadly u did not have the silver to get one more.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 17 (+5 worker)(+7 quest)(-1 fireplace)
Stone 2
Food 8 (+3 quest)(-1 consumption one worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+1 food

Colony defense
Ronaldoavelino 5
one workers 3

(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spike club)(+2 armor hide chest)
(+1 gem necklace "special items")

Fire -1 wood ever week

Colony Phase:
u can move you one workers if u want to
you can hire one more worker 10 silver

1 Lumberjack;
A Forager;
A Miner;
A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Research bench 10 wood


Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Scout on the area for the goblin stronghold (medium)
investigate what happen tho the01crow (medium)

the01crow was sleeping he woke up it was so cold.
he can see something...



is still sick he din noting this week his Lumberjack is holding the colony together the best he can.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 13 (+3 worker)(-1 wood fire)
Stone 5
Food 7 (-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 0

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: missing bed (-30% production)
+1 food +3 fish -1 wood

Colony defense
ejgarcia 5
one worker 3

weapons/items/armor:(+3 bow)(+3 stone axe)(+1 armor hide helmet)

Buildings: fire -1 wood

Colony Phase**:
u can move your worker if u want

1 Lumberjack;
A Forager;
A Miner;
A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Bivouac/Bed 5 wood 3 stone
Research bench 10 wood

Contact trade outpost about missing blacksmith (easy)


is frozen in fear did noting.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 6 (-1 fireplace)
Stone 5
Food 1
Silver 5

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: Cold/missing bed (-50% production)
+1 wood +1 hunting -1 stone

Colony defense
@quillfire 5

Buildings: Fire -1 wood

Colony Phase:
u can hire a worker 5 silver

A Lumberjack;
A Forager;
A Miner;
A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +5 food 1 hide
Bivouac/Bed 5 wood 3 stone
Research bench 10 wood

Contact trade outpost about missing blacksmith (easy)

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