Hello to all my dear friends and readers of Steemit. Today I want to share with you some of the importance of promoting our work in Steemit, and this is one of the most important steps to be successful in this Steemit world, since most, if not all, have passed on to us. we take hours of research and dedication to make a post, and when we publish it we find ourselves with the unpleasant surprise that absolutely nobody has visited or voted our post. We also have the opposite case that we see medium quality post down and have many visits and dozens of votes. What makes you think What am I doing wrong in my post ?, Am I choosing the wrong topic, the wrong images, my post is fatal or is it just because I have no luck and they do? Well, no, It is not necessarily about that. It is that we are not using correctly the promotion tools that Steemit offers us, and it is that this social network is about marketing, and the best way to attract your readers is to promote your work, not because of the fact that your blog is a marvel and this super elaborated you will get readers and that is trend as if by magic. You must see your post as a product that you want to sell, and the higher the promotion, the greater the number of potential customers that you will have. For example TV commercials, if you put your article on a low-rated channel will cost less, but will have fewer viewers which means fewer potential customers, but if you pay your advertising on the best channel and the best package,

The promotion will depend on attracting your readers, and the quality of your post will depend on whether they stay or leave.



This type of promotion will give greater visibility to our posts, the more investment, the better your reward will be and the greater visibility for your publication. Although criticized by some, they are loved by others. And usually they usually double your investment, and if you study it well or run with luck you can do much more than double.


This type of promotion is one of the most used, and consists of publishing the links of our publications in the respective promotion channels of the groups and so the members of each group can access your publication with that direct link to vote or comment. There are many Discord groups where you can promote your publication at the same time, as long as you respect the rules of each group.


This type of promotion is one of the easiest and only consists of clicking on PROMOTE and making a transfer to @null and only with this we will appear in promoted. It should be noted that the more investment you make, the greater your promotion will be.


This is another simple way that steemit gives us to promote our publications, and is that by just clicking on one of these, we can share our publication in another of our social networks expanding your publication to other users, so you can capture more visits to your blog.


And finally one of the most discussed promotions of all, hated by some and loved by others. And it's about promoting your publications commenting on the pots of other users. But for this it is advisable to look for topics that are related to the publication you want to promote, read your article and give your opinion about it, and at the end of your comment you can suggest that you go through your blog and take a look. Since otherwise you do it in this way the other user could take it as a lack of respect for their work and that you only went there in the interest of visiting your blog.

So to promote our publications, because no one else will do it for us, no matter how good your work is, remember that if we do not show it, we can seldom sell it. And if that were not the case, the biggest companies in the market such as Coca-Cola, Samsung, etc., would no longer make any kind of promotions to their products, because it would only be a waste of time and money. So if they do it because you do not? No more to contribute for now I say goodbye, hoping to have been to your liking. A hug and thanks for reading me. regards

Photos and Author's Scriptures: @danieltarache

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