We ate an edible and fell asleep, then woke up high to discover our first snow this winter

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What an odd feeling ❄️😵‍💫🌨

This past Thursday night was full of surprises...


@flowerbaby ended up coming over after she got out of work. Typically, we just spend Friday, Saturday, and Sunday together. This past weekend was different since we were expecting our first snowstorm of this winter season here in our part of West Virginia. We both were trying to prepare and knew that her staying here with me would be the smartest idea. Rather than going back to her house where it always snows more and the roads are treated less often. Her car is a FWD Honda Civic and mine is an AWD Audi A4. Any car enthusiast should know right away that my Audi with its Quattro drivetrain is much more suited to go out in the snow than hers. This turned out to be a very wise decision.


Before I talk about how much it snowed, let me first explain how we initially realized that the snow was actually falling and starting to pile up on the ground outside. When she first got here, it was already snowing a good bit. We knew that most restaurants would be closing down early that evening due to the weather. So I did the smartest thing we could and ordered us some dinner from the closest restaurant. I then bundled up and walked a short distance to go pick it up before they closed. Once I was back with the food, we both had our fill of it.


Following dinner, we both decided to eat a 25 mg Delta-8 THC gummy. Each of us considers 25 mg to be a large dose and usually just ingest 12.5 mg or less, but we had nothing better to do that night. We then threw on some terrible movie on Hulu that isn't even worth mentioning by name, which put us to sleep in 20 minutes or so. It usually takes about 40 minutes for the edibles to kick in, so we went to sleep without a buzz. The next thing we knew, we woke up and that movie was over. It was a totally different world upon our awakening.


Both of us got up out of bed and were extremely high and dying of thirst. It is such a weird feeling to wake up high. Surely you have heard of the term wake and bake. Well this whole waking up just as our edible effects were reaching their peak puts that idea of waking and baking to shame. We were totally blitzed and it was hilarious. The two of us could not stop laughing and literally, every little thing turned into a comedy.


I think that the funniest thing about all of this is the fact that my arms were both still asleep even though I was awake. I guess I fell asleep on them weird or something, but the lack of blood flow had my arms feeling like dead limbs. That combined with the strong head high that I had was one of the most memorable feelings I have ever endured.


Along with all of these peculiar feelings, we noticed that the snow was still coming down. At this point, it was snowing even harder than before and the forecast was showing no signs of it letting up. It was a really smart idea that she ended up staying with me. Otherwise, she would surely have been stranded at her house all weekend. We ended up watching two really great movies to finish off the cozy night at home. Be on the lookout for my #cintev posts about Next (Nic Cage) and Dark Shadows (Johnny Depp) coming later this week.


Most people had to call into work the following morning I'm sure, but not my girl. We got up at our normal time and she got ready. Then we went and got in my trusty Audi to venture forth towards her place of employment. Luckily I have garage parking, so my car didn't have any snow on it or a frosted windshield. We were able to leave immediately. The streets were nowhere near as busy as they usually are. They also had not yet been cleared by the plows, at least not very well.


I was able to drive her to work with zero problems. Quattro has yet to ever let me down. My Audi has been such an amazing car for the 8+ years that I have been driving it. I'm so thankful to have this tank as my daily driver. This snow always satisfied me to drive in tremendously since I have recently become obsessed with the video game DIRT 5 (stay tuned for lots of posts about that coming soon).


If you are wondering how much snow we actually got, I measured 6 inches on the top floor of my parking garage. It always seems to snow a bit less downtown where I live. My parents and @flowerbaby's parents surely got even more snow than us. I know that I saw some people in my area posting photos of as much as 12 inches. This may or may not be a lot in your eyes, I guess it depends where in the world you live. To us, this was a pretty big amount of snow, but still nowhere near close to the most we have ever witnessed.


The tranquil feeling that snowfall offers is unlike any other. I love the beach and the ocean puts me in a trance. However, nothing compares to the silence and pure cleanliness of the beautiful white powder that snow is. I am grateful that where I live offers me the opportunity to experience all four seasons. I'm happy to have our first snow, but I'm sure by the time snow two and three roll around, I'll be ready for summer.


Thanks for reading today.

Are you a fan of the snow? Or are you one of those people who still has never seen snow in real life?

Leave a comment below and let me know.


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