3 dollars = 1 special moment | WE #156 [EN]

Hey there, awesome @WEEKENDEXPERIENCES community! I'm thrilled to be writing to you again. But before I dive into my article, I want to give a huge shoutout to the mastermind behind this initiative, @galenkp, 156 weeks in a row is a massive accomplishment, and I sincerely hope there are many more to come. Personally, this initiative has helped me grow tremendously by inspiring me to create diverse content every weekend, and I've witnessed significant improvements in my thinking and writing skills. So, on behalf of all of us who eagerly anticipate and savor your ideas week after week, thank you so much! This is my third consecutive entry and third year participating, so let's make the most of this coincidence and keep the momentum going strong!
As I was scrolling through the comments on the #weekend-engagement post, I stumbled upon one that piqued my interest. The commenter was discussing the difficulty of purchasing something with just 3dollars, which got me thinking... Let's put that theory to the test and see how well I do!

If I gave you 3 USD ... what would you buy me and why?

View of Havana

Let me give you some context first. I live in Cuba, a country that has been greatly affected by inflation and poor political decisions. However, the country has somewhat adopted the US dollar as a second currency. In the informal market, the exchange rate is around 1 USD = 200 CUP (Cuban pesos), which means 600 CUP (3 USD) as of today, but tomorrow it could be even higher allowing you yo buy even more stuff. For many people in my country, this is almost a week's worth of work or sometimes even half a month's. It may seem crazy to you if you're reading this from a developed country, but it's the reality for thousands of people here. So, my dear reader, a Cuban with 3 USD can do quite a few things. Here's my choice for this occasion, maybe you'll accept it without hesitation.
I could take the easy route and suggest we hit up a bar away from the tourist hotspots, order a couple of beers or shots, and potentially end up getting sloshed. But, I prefer a more relaxed, laid-back atmosphere. So, how about this idea instead...

If I were to ask you to think about your most important memories, I'm confident that 90% of them wouldn't involve any significant material possessions. What I'm certain you'll remember are those moments and experiences where you felt particularly happy with your family, partner, or friends. So, allow me to create a memory for you that you won't forget, all for just 3 USD.
Let's say you're already in Havana and have acclimated somewhat to the heat. We'll meet at 7 pm local time, and I'll take you to a place that will make you feel like a true Habanero. But first, we need to spend those 3 USD (600 CUP). We'll begin by purchasing something to drink since the sweltering heat can be overwhelming at times. Our options are limited, but ironically, inflation will work in our favor.
Beers and sodas usually go for around 120 CUP (0.75 USD) at the more economical spots, so let's grab 4 of them for 2.4 USD. That leaves us with almost nothing left in our budget, but don't fret - the best is yet to come. Alternatively, if you prefer to abstain from drinking and just buy water, we can find it for around 1 USD per 1.5 liters. As my guest, the decision is yours.
Now that we have our drinks, let's make our way to the Malecon in Havana, which is often referred to as the Capital's Sofa. It's not hard to see why - during the hot months, it seems like the entire city congregates here.

So, with our drinks in hand, we have two options:

Option 1: We can take a leisurely walk along the Malecon and take in the stunning views of the sea, the Morro, and the captivating architecture of the Old Havana skyline.

Option 2: We can simply sit down and have a peaceful chat about Hive, life, and future plans while we watch the time pass by. If you choose this option, I think we should spend the remainder of our budget (0.6 USD). When we sit down, some street vendors will likely approach us with various options and sales pitches. Once again, the choice is yours, and we have two options available: pop corn (0.25 USD) (we called as rositas de maíz) or the cuban cucurucho de mani (0.05 USD), something like a peanut cones. So, we won't be lacking for snacks to accompany our drinks and conversation. We can enjoy watching the sun set on the horizon and appreciate the breathtaking beauty of the sunset. As night falls and we perhaps enjoy our second round of drinks, we may not even notice as some gentlemen approach us with their typical Cuban songs and other Caribbean rhythms (this is quite common in the area). The best part is that we can stay there, enjoying the sea breeze, our conversation, and the music until the sun rises again.
In summary, all we need is 3 USD for:
-4 drinks
-2 snacks
-1 unforgettable experience

So, I will buy an experience because remember that life is nothing but a bunch of experiences put together... 😉

With this beautiful sunset , it's time to say Good Bye ...

If you're interested in the idea, don't think twice and come on over. The invitation has already been extended to you.
As always, thank you for taking the time to read this post, and I hope you found it enjoyable. Please feel free to leave any comments you'd like.

See u soon 👋🏻

All the photos were taken by me

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