My Entry to the CCC's Street Art Contest #212: "The Watcher"

You know that feeling when a certain day of the week just gets you pumped? For me, that’s the day I get to share my latest street art find! The CCC’s Street Art Contest kicks off today, and I’m super excited because I’ve already got a cool entry lined up. I stumbled upon this intriguing piece last Saturday, and right then and there, I knew it would be my submission for this week.

So, here’s how it went down. I was casually crossing the street... not exactly where I should have been, mind you. Yeah, I might’ve committed a little jaywalking offense. Not my proudest moment, but hey, I spotted this incredible piece of street art and couldn’t resist snapping a photo.



It’s not something I’d usually recommend, but I made sure the coast was clear before crossing.

Now, why did this particular street art grab my attention? Well, it’s this massive human figure with eyes that seem to stare right into your soul.


The way it’s positioned, it’s like the artwork is watching anyone who dares to cross the road—especially in a spot where you’re technically not supposed to. It’s almost as if it’s sending a silent warning: “Look both ways before you even think about crossing here.”



But don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying you should go out and start jaywalking. The message behind this art is pretty clear: don’t risk your life crossing where you shouldn’t, because someone’s always watching out for you, whether it’s this art or your own instincts. This area doesn’t have stop signs or crosswalks, so it’s really on you to stay safe.


I actually think it’s a clever way to raise awareness and prevent accidents. Sure, there are better ways to stop people from crossing illegally, but this artwork serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize your safety.

As much as I’d love to give credit to the artist behind this powerful piece, I couldn’t find any signature or clue about their identity. With such a stunning creation, it’s a mystery why they chose to stay anonymous.


Anyway, that’s my entry for this week’s contest. Hope you all enjoyed my little adventure and the story behind this street art find!


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