What Has Splinterlands Ever Done For Us?

Sometimes we can get a bit downhearted as we see our card's value keep dropping lower and lower every day. We can get upset because we invested our own real money into this game and it's disappeared. What do we have to show for it?

We can see that the wild league is broken. players with low-level cards are playing in Champion 3. The whole league is overrun with bot farms whose only goal is to extract value and dump it onto the market. Players are rage-quitting. putting all their cards on the market so they can salvage a small amount of what they have spent.

Modern has very few plays in it so it's difficult to get a match. Then you can spend all your battles down in the bronze league playing against max-level cards. Is that going to be good for new plays if / when they come? And They Will Come

So what have Splinterlands done for us?

With that out of the way and off my chest, I can tell you that this is not the time to walk away. I firmly believe that the team has a solid plan to counter all the issues that are making the game tough. Don't forget this game has been going on for six years now. Splinterlands have gone through many ups and downs. This gives them the experience to see what fixes and modifications they need to do.

What's My Plan? What am I doing?

Well, in a nutshell, I am buying cards and building my deck. Why. I am a gamer a collector and a Tech. I have been around the hive blockchain for a long time. I bought into the game from a Kickstarter campaign. With a tempting cool promo card "The Chain Golem" and from there my journey begins.

Starting from lower levels I build my decks in a balanced way. picking up the meta cards as new strategies get discovered. I jumped into the tournaments when they got popular. We had some great eSport sponsors paying out good prizes. Now we have the flat leagues and the idea is to get a top-level deck.

Card prices are at record lows. We all have a golden opportunity to go around and pick up some real gems for not much. not only will the cards help you win more battles, but they are also collector's items. In the future when the crypto world gets crazy again we will see the values explode.

Bought a Lux Vaga

Put my money where my mouth is, as the saying goes. I have always wanted this Neutral Summoner and now that time is here. I have a lot more max-level cards and can take advantage of the max level that Lux starts with.

I am looking forward to putting up a few new battle ideas using my new flagship Summoner. This does not stop here, we are in the golden times just start walking around and picking up those giant nuggets of the ground because soon the time will come when you will have to dig deep to get anything so good.

Happy Battling

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Splinterlands is a Digital Collectible Card Game Powered by Blockchain Technology. Blockchain technology is powering the future of gaming allowing players to trade sell and lease their card assets. Splinterlands makes it easy to earn daily. Go to Splinterlands.com to get started today.

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