Hive is my defacto Learn-to-Earn platform

There are many to-earn in the crypto space these days.

Such opportunities are especially needed in this down phase of the market.

Another thing that is needed is the chance to reflect and grow, i.e. learn, so that one can make sense of the crypto situation.

Since I am on Hive, it is natural for me to spend more time here to learn and reflect on everything crypto.

While some others are looking for learn-to-earn platforms to work on, I am using Hive as my defacto Learn-to-Earn platform.

These are the learning activities that earn me Hive.

Reading Posts

As I read about fellow Hive bloggers' perspectives on crypto, I learn a great deal from them. Overall, I also get a sense of the mood of the current situation. Psychologically, they keep me cool-minded. I upvoted their posts so that I can get some curation rewards.


After reading the posts, if they are thought-provoking enough, I will leave a comment. This is actually an important learning process for me, as I actively engage with the content. In fact, providing a comment gives me the chance to reflect deeper. If this comment is worth any upvotes, I get to earn some rewards while I reflect.


Writing posts is the icing on the cake.

Indeed, writing is the best part of this Learn-to-Earn platform.

I literally use Hive as my diary. In reality, writing these posts helps me to reflect on my own crypto thesis. It serves as a record online, and I can use it to check my progress every now and then.

And of course, upvotes by fellow pals on Hive help me earn.


This whole reading, commenting, and writing process in Hive allowed me to learn, and as I do so, I earn more Hive!

Therefore to me, Hive is my defacto Learn-to-Earn platform!

You can tell your friends about it, and ask them to come and learn and earn.

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