My Greatest Wish @cryptofi


Everyone around the world surely has a particular wants, desires for something and wishes. Your wish might be different from the next person. Some of this wishes might be to get super powers, being with a special person, finding true love, or having the ability to travel around the world any time. Wishing makes life more sweet and fun. Though is bad when you wish for bad things to happen. There is this inner happiness or joy when you know your wish come true.

Sometimes we ask ourselves, why are we wasting our time waiting for a wish to come true. What good would it bring? If I should say, I agree we waste our time waiting for a wish to come true, but we should know we do achieve something in the wait. That wait makes us to work hard before our wish would come true or so that our wish would come true. We struggle hard for the realization of our wish, which our achievement is to be successful. If we don't struggle hard to realize our wishes, then we are lethargic. The very thing that gives hope, inspire those that has fallen or discouraged, are wishes and inspirations.

You can make a wish for yourself and you can also make a wish for others, your loved ones and friends. We all have our wish but wishing only for yourself might be a selfish act. Sometimes is good to think about others before yourself, it is good and noble. It is very possible to make a wish that benefits everyone.

My Wish

My greatest wish in life is to be with my family. I know there are many things I would have wished for. I know there is a girl I would wish to be with. And I know there is some super power I would have wished for. But all these won't be able to replace my beloved family, I wish to be with my family and see them every day.

Thanks for reading and I would really appreciate all comments.

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