My Day One President


Beautiful day to all Hive Bloggers all round the globe...
It is indeed a great opportunity for me to share with you all what would be my achievement if I was to be a president just for a day, and it would be a privilege if that should become a reality to me.

Like we all know there are so many things we are lacking in this country, some of the needs of the citizens are not held to for positive change. Most especially the grassroot level, they are so abandoned and neglected by the government which makes use to doubt the functions of the local government in our societies today.

Embezzlement and corruption is now the king of bad governance.... So sad isn't it ?
The rate of jobless in the country is so alarming, now graduates has to do petty works just to earn a living. Joblessness has made the rate of robbery, fraud, and kidnapping a common job for the youth.

Becoming the President for just a day is more than enough opportunity for me to make somethings right.
The first thing I will do is providing infrastructures round the whole state. That is making available all facilities, services and installations needed for the creation of job opportunities.
Making sure that once you're a graduate with an excellent results, there's 90% guarantee of securing a good job for yourself.

Secondly I will be doing a little touching on the crude oil aspect, assigning 2 to 3 refinery project each on every crude oil producing states. Also placing an order to all local government all over the state for the registration ( under government) of every household in her community... And by so doing all registered under this project will be paid salary every month from the country's crude oil enterprise.

I will make sure that all of these are been documented as a law (Rigid constitution) in a way that even after a day ruling, it will be carried out by the current and other president to come.

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