Over the last few days I have been asked If I believe in ghosts. Yes I do as I have witnessed it and was a skeptic before. I thought those people were seeing things and had a vast imagination.

We were living in England and just purchased our second house in Worthing. The plan was to take advantage of the expanding commuter zone in the booming South East market. The town had a main line train station that went to London. I had a choice of two areas and looking back now should have chosen Hastings which was a lot further up the coast, but has since boomed with prices going up more than 400 %.

After moving in and being there a few months we all started to notice certain things that weren't normal. My parrot max who is an African Grey is a very social bird and his spot was in the kitchen/dining room. We used to spend so much time around that area it made the most sense. If any one walked up to his cage he would jump on the side and say hello. We noticed the noise of him jumping on the side of the cage and saying hello when no one was even near him. Maybe we were being paranoid so we just kept an eye on things.

At meal times we all sat at the dining room table like families used to do. Whilst enjoy a meal and chatting we used to hear foot steps and movement upstairs. It became a game where I would creep up to the stairs and and the footsteps changed from walking to running. It was as though I had some extra kids staying over and couldn't work out if it was one or two extras.

My son and daughter had complained about a few odd things such as my son saying he felt someone was under his bed prodding him. He had a wooden slat bed so it was feasible.My daughters waste paper basket used to move which was more alarming.

One day whilst I was lying in bed i heard the foot steps thinking one of my kids was coming but nothing. My kids were down stairs still. My mattress moved as though someone was under the bed. It didn't make sense as my base was solid with draws used for storage.

The one day my daughter screamed as she was scared. She wasn't allowed to leave her room as her waste paper basket was moving preventing her from getting out. This was the first time we were now having problems with whatever it was. I was still not overly concerned as we had decided to move anyway.

Things got more bizarre when we started to have people round doing viewings. The night viewings were embarrassing and had to stop them. The light used to go out in rooms that had prospective buyers in. The light would flicker first and then go out. When they left there was nothing wrong with the bulbs. This ghost or ghosts was trying to prevent us from leaving.

The one day my son was in bed and he was playing with my Polaroid camera. An instant camera that develops and prints out a photograph. I used to use it for work and my son had found it. He had taken maybe 30 photographs of himself and they were on the bed. His curtains were open and there was a street light outside. The one photograph showed the reflection of the light inside with the street light in the back ground but someone else was also in the photograph with my son.

There was a man sitting on the bed with my son but it showed the face and shoulders only as that was where the window went to the bed side. It was a man with what looked like mace from a soldier or something that had suit and armor. It wasn't an evil face but still shocked me as this was no kid. I have kept the photo but will find it again one of these days. We have moved maybe 4 times since then and I know I put it in a book for safe keeping.

That is my story but a true story of what happened to me. Has anyone else had something similar?

Image source impernity.com

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