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Despite the fact that my country has so much potential, it isn't blessed with good leaders, and my beautiful country has remained a 'developing' country for many years now. This means that my town definitely needs a lot of improvements, and it will be so beautiful to see it develop. Among the most developed and beautiful towns in my country as a whole, the town where I reside is a little below the charts, but it isn't bad at all. The government of my state is currently doing some remodeling in my town, and it has really been beautiful to see.

However, I would still love some things to be improved upon in my town, and the first on this list is 'electricity'. I am not exaggerating when I say that the supply of electricity in my town is really bad. To be honest, the average number of hours we got power restored in my area in the whole of last month was like 1 hour. See, I am not even joking! In a whole 31 days, we barely had light, and if not for the fact that we have a generator in my home, we would have had so much difficulty in so many aspects. We would have had to find another means to get our gadgets charged, which would have been super stressful and inconvenient.

My town is a very big one, and I wouldn't say the problem was general, but at the same time, a lot of people were complaining at the time, but I think it's worse in some areas than others. Anyhow, it is one thing I will really appreciate being worked on. When I go to other cities and they know the times they will have light and the times they won't, I am never able to relate because it is totally a 'freestyle method' in my town😂.


Another improvement I would love to see in my town is the development of the tourist attractions that it has. My town is a very ancient and large one, and it holds so many histories that we grew up reading about. I love culture so much, and despite modernization taking over lately, I still feel all these ancient properties should be protected and treated with so much care. The history should be told to the new generation so it doesn't get forgotten. Generally, I would really love tourists to find my town a place to explore.

Another major and concerning issue my town is facing that needs to be worked on as soon as possible is the absence of proper waste management. People dump refuse everywhere, and they get away with it because there is no penalty attached to the act. From the government's end, there is no structure that helps with the promotion of recycling culture. Encouraging this would have made the town cleaner and more attractive. There should be all these big wheelie bins on the roads and streets to tackle this issue.

On the other hand, I know the residents make things hard for the government sometimes because they can be very stubborn. Maybe more disciplined officials will be appointed to monitor them and make defaulters pay a fine. I said 'disciplined' officials because if just any set of people are appointed, the goal will not be achieved as bribery might be entertained. They should stick to the main cause and do that till people get used to not littering the ground and making the environment more conducive. Lecturing people on radios, televisions, and several media platforms will be very smart too, because it will get them informed and encourage them to act accordingly.

Thanks for reading❤️

This post was inspired by the #inleo community and is my entry to the #Aprilinleo monthly topic Day 25. Please check out the announcement post to get involved.

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