Your Idea can be Stolen

As a human, the best gift we have is the creativity and thus there are so many artistic works, symbols, designs which are the creative work of the people. Along with that, there are some food joints which also have the secret ingredients which makes their food totally different from others and people love it, this is also kind of creativity.


Normally people if they want to safeguard their creativity, the call it as a intellectual property where they make their work as a trademark, patents or copyright. In this way they can protect it. But again there are people who just stoles the work of others and thus show it as theirs. Just like a physical property, intellectual property can be stolen too. It is our right to protect it.

In our software world also there are patents where a company files for a patent which are developed by them. Now there are a lot of court cases happened in the past only because of the patenting issue and thus the issue is real. For paintings also people usually take credit even though the work is not being done by them.

Liek I said if we have the patent, trademark or any other things which can help us to make sure that property is ours then we are good. And this is where the digital area is a boon for us. We all know about NFT or Non Fungible Token. So if there is an intellectual property which can created as an NFT that means whoever owns that token has the right over that property.

For example, you have created a digital painting, try to create it as a NFT and then you have the right to keep it. And thus you can sell it whenever you liked and the transactions will be kept so that anyone can find out who is the current owner and thus are you a rightful owner. There is nothing like stolen NFT because it can't be stolen unless there is a hack.

So you just have to protect your digital property just like your normal intellectual property from getting stolen.

This is my participation post for Initiative: April Inleo Monthly Prompt.
You can join the initiative too, follow @leo.tasks for more.
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