Will AI replace Software Developers

Artificial Intelligence is the hot topic now, every other companies are working towards it so that they will be early adopter. Along with that we are seeing so many apps or websites coming up which leverage the AI to make our life easier. Like the ChatGPT which gives us the answer quickly and we don't have to each for the answer in multiple websites.

PC: Pixabay.com

Just like the ChatGPT there are other AI tools which helps you to right content, create video for you, create voice over for you, schedule post on behalf of you and what not. This is actually making the life of a lot of people quite easy. Recently a news came where Devin was introduced which is first AI software engineer. And it became a talk of town that whether in coming days software engineer role will be replaced with the AI or not.

The prediction is that in next 10 years there will be mostly AI software engineer and the humans will not be required to do the software engineer any more. It might be true or it might be just exaggerated statement. But as a software developer myself I can say that if you are good at your job then no AI can replace you.

This is because writing a simple script is different than writing the whole software. Now say for example, you have to write InLeo as a whole, does AI can do it. Yes it can do it but not as a whole. It might create a UI for you, it might create a basic API for you, it can create a database structure for you. But the software engineer is required to take care of the integration as well as to monitor if anything is not working.

The AI cannot talk to the clients or take their requirement and thus you need the human to get that requirement and then apply that requirement in the form of software engineering. Yeah the number of jobs required today to do software engineering will be reduced. And if someone who is doing the repetitive task will be easily replaced by the AI.

Now what should we do so that our job is not replaced by the AI. I don't know about the future but what I know is that if we continue to enhance our skills as well as leverage the AI for our own betterment than AI is actually becomes a friend of ourselves and not the enemy which will take our job.

There are bad sides of AI too, like now people are basically copy pasting the content from the AI and sharing as their own and in future it will continue to happen. But as a human, people will still want to read the post written by the human and not some AI. In simple terms there is a lack of creativity. People will say that we can create realistic pictures using the AI but again actually clicking the photo and show the actual photo is 100 times better than any AI generated image.

We can use the AI for our own benefit and become 10x of what we are now. Like for example, if we are writing about anything the AI can help us to create the outline of that post. If we are trying to learn something, AI can help us to gather the full road map as well as the resources. If we are stuck with any bugs in our code AI can help us quickly resolve that bug.

In my case, we have to create a lot of Regex on our code for some rules against the data. I use the AI for creating the regex which would take hours for me if I want to do myself. So yeah there are advantages and disadvantages of using the AI, but telling that AI will replace the Software Developer job is not fully true.

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