How Much Have You Earned In Splinterlands?

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Hey guys! I'm back with a new Splinterlands contest for you all! One of the best things I love about Splinterlands is the amount of crypto that you can earn! You can earn crypto by posting Splinterlands content on the Hive blockchain. You can earn by battling and placing in a tournament, renting your cards, flippening (flipping packs and selling for profit), and more! There are just so many ways to earn and that is an amazing big part of the game.

Splinterlands is the only game I play now and it's exciting to battle alone, I love it. I also love all the ways and how much you can earn! The past month I have won 64K DEC in tournaments, almost 19K DEC battling, 12K for quests, 15 packs plus all my season-ending loot chests, and Splinterlands posts on Hive! You can find out your earnings too, HERE on the rewards analyzer tool at Monster Market.

*****8-2--20 All the packs (33 of them) have been given out below now in the comments, thanks!!**********
The contest is pretty simple! All you need to do is 1.) Make sure you are following me @clove71 here on the HIVE blockchain and it would be awesome if you reblog this on HIVE! 2.) Let us all know what you have earned the past month on Splinterlands and don't forget to add if you post Splinterlands content on the HIVE blockchain as all those upvotes add up too! Then, I will be taking all the names sometime this week and have a random drawing. 10 winners will win an Untamed pack of cards! Have fun and I will see you all on the battlefield!

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  • Check out all their features like the packs and rewards analyzer HERE.

  • View rewards cards going out of print by the great @kiokizz HERE and please show him some Monster love on his recent Splinterlands posts!

  • Want to view Splinterlands stats? Check out @rafalski and his awesome Splinterlands stats HERE and make sure to show some Monster love on his recent Splinterlands post!

  • Want to rent Splinterlands cards for cheap? Check out @peakmonsters today HERE and all of their extra features!

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I wish you luck in your battles and daily quest loot chests!

I will see you all on the battlefield!

May the Monsters be with you.

Chris Love @clove71

Splinterlands Rep

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